GridManager Vue

Vue-based GridManager package for easy use in Vue GridManager. The API is the same as the GridManager API except for the Vue feature.

Realize the function

function describe
Width adjustment Table column widths can be drag-and-drop adjusted
Position change The column position of the table is drag-and-drop adjusted
Configure the column Columns can be configured for show hide conversions
Suction top header In the case of a visible area of the table, the table header will always exist at the top
Column fixed Specifies that a column is fixed to the left or right
The sorting Tables are sorted individually or in groups
paging Table Ajax pagination, including the ability to select the total number of items displayed per page and jump to a specified page
User preference memory Remember user behavior, including user-adjusted column width, column order, column visual state, and number of columns per page
The serial number Automatically generate ordinal column
select all Automatically generate all selected columns
export Export static data, dynamic data, and selected data
print Current page print
Right-click menu Common functions can be quickly operated on the menu
filter Fast search results are achieved by filtering columns
merge Cells with the same value under the same column can be automatically merged
The tree form You can quickly configure the tree table structure
Line of mobile Row position movement can be quickly configured


This document is a native GridManager document. The vue version can be used in the same way except in columndata.text columndata.template topfullcolumn. template.

  • API


This example is an example of the native GridManager. The vue version can be used in the same way except in columndata.text columndata.template topfullcolumn. template.

  • Simple example
  • Complex example

Core code

  • GridManager
  • jTool

The development environment

ES2015 + webpack + Vue + GridManager

The installation

npm install gridmanager-vue --save
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Project reference

Vue global components

import GridManagerVue from 'gridmanager-vue';
import 'gridmanager-vue/css/gm-vue.css';
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Vue local components

import GridManagerVue from 'gridmanager-vue';
import 'gridmanager-vue/css/gm-vue.css';

new Vue({
    el: '#app'.components: {
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The sample

<grid-manager :option="gridOption" :callback="callback" ref="grid"></grid-manager>
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const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app'.data: {
        // Table render callback function
        // query is the query configured in gmOptions
        callback: function(query) {
            console.log('callback => ', query);

        / / form
        gridOption = {
            // Table unique identifier
            gridManagerName: 'test-gm'./ / height
            height: '300px'.// Whether to load it for the first time
            firstLoading: false./ / column configuration
            columnData: [
                    key: 'shopId'.width: '180px'.text: 'the store id'.align: 'center'}, {key: 'platId'.text: 'platform'.// template=> function: return dom
                    // Parameter description
                    // platId: indicates the value of the same field as the key in the current row
                    // row: current row data
                    // index: indicates the index value of the current row
                    template: (platId, row, index) = > {
                        const span = document.createElement('span');
               = 'blue';
                        span.innerText = platId;
                        return span;
                    key: 'platNick'.text: 'Shop Name'.// template=> string dom
                    template: ' }, {key: 'createTime'.text: 'Creation time'}, {key: 'updateTime'.text: 'Update Time'.{key: value} overwrites the selected value as {key: value} in the query parameter. The will be investigating
                    filter: {
                        // Filter criteria list, array object. Format: [{value: '1', text: 'HTML/CSS'}]. This parameter is mandatory when filter is used.
                        option: [
                            {value: '1'.text: 'HTML/CSS'},
                            {value: '2'.text: 'nodeJS'},
                            {value: '3'.text: 'javaScript'},
                            {value: '4'.text: 'Chicken soup for the front'},
                            {value: '5'.text: 'PM Coffee'},
                            {value: '6'.text: 'Front frame'},
                            {value: '7'.text: 'Front-end correlation'}].// Filter selected items, string, default ''. Optional. The selected filter condition overrides the Query
                        selected: '3'.// This parameter is optional. The default value is false. The will be investigating
                        isMultiple: false
                    // template=> function: return string dom
                    template: updateTime= > {
                        return `<span style="color: blue">${updateTime}</span>`;
                    key: 'action'.text: 'operation'.width: '100px'.align: 'center'.// template=> function: return vue template
                    // The vue template will automatically add the row field, which is the data used for the current row
                    // The vue template will no longer allow arguments passed in the template function
                    template:(a)= > {
                        return '
      '; }}].// Use paging
            supportAjaxPage: true./ / data source, type: string url | | data | | function return [promise | | string url | | data]
            ajax_data: (settings, params) = > {
                return tenantRelateShop(params);

            // The request failed
            ajax_error: err= > {

            // checkbox selects events
            checkedAfter: rowList= > {

            // Display the number of entries per page
            pageSize: 20

            / /... See API for more configurations}},methods: {
        // Unbind
        delRelation: function(row) {
            / /... Unbind operation}}});Copy the code


When vue-class-component is used, this in the GridManager refers to class, not vue. If you need to point this to vue, you can do so by writing GridManager configuration items inside created.

Calling an open method

The following methods need to be used in a Vue environment where a gridManager instance already exists. And using the this.$gridManager service requires the GridManagerVue to be pre-registered with the global component via vue. use(GridManagerVue).

// This.$gridManager is recommended for method calls.
/ / refresh
this.$gridManager.refreshGrid('test-gm');  / / or enclosing $refs [' grid '] $el. GM (' refreshGrid ', 'test - GM');

// Update the query criteria
this.$gridManager.setQuery('test-gm', {name: 'baukh'});  / / or enclosing $refs [' grid '] $el. GM (' setQuery ', 'test - GM, {name:' baukh});

/ /... For more, please visit the API directly
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Viewing the Current Version

import GridManagerVue from 'gridmanager-vue';
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