Last month, the Ministry of Science and Technology officially released the 2017 China Unicorn Development Report, and a number of giant companies were listed. In the field of home decoration, tuba rabbit as the only enterprise listed. This is the second time that tuba rabbit, the only unicorn in the home decoration field, has been included in the list of the Ministry of Science and Technology after 2016. Tuba rabbit is the domestic more mature Internet home decoration company, the most popular sentence “decoration on tuba rabbit” with the fire of the enterprise.

In the past, the traditional home decoration industry has many stubborn problems, long industrial chain, information is not transparent, low degree of credit has been plaguing the majority of users. Nowadays, the Internet has become the fresh blood in the field of home decoration. In the process of continuous penetration of the Internet, the home decoration industry also radiates vitality. Simply put, it is the model of “Internet + physical industry” that created tuba rabbit.

Compared with other enterprises, tuba rabbit can become a unicorn, the main reason is that it solves the biggest pain point of users in the decoration process: decoration service is difficult to guarantee. On the one hand, improve the threshold, through strict training examination to enter the platform decoration company screening; On the other hand, the launch of decoration protection, third-party supervision and other protection of decoration services, Tuba rabbit therefore won the favor of many users, the number of users to double the growth.

However, the entire Internet home decoration industry did not run under the influence of tuba rabbit. Recently, iResearch released “2018 China Internet Home decoration Industry research report” shows that China’s Internet home decoration industry is developing rapidly, the market size maintains a high growth trend of more than 25%, but compared with the entire home decoration industry output value of 4 trillion, the penetration rate of domestic Internet home decoration is only 3%. Far lower than the Penetration of the Internet in catering, clothing retail and other traditional industries.

Home decoration industry pain points are still, tu ba rabbit is also trapped in them

Internet home decoration penetration rate is low, the market is far from open, although there are many parties into the game, but it is still a very imaginative space, full of dividends of the blue sea, the author believes that the reasons come from two aspects. On the one hand, due to the low frequency, high requirements, long cycle and other characteristics of the home decoration industry, industry problems have not been completely solved; On the other hand, tuba Rabbit and other platforms failed to fully tap the potential of the market, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the efficiency and quality of products and services. Here are the problems caused by the nature of the industry.

First of all, traditional home decoration enterprises have many legacy problems, and users can choose high-quality resources. Before the arrival of the Internet in the business world, like many other traditional industries, domestic outfit industry manufacturers to dealer sales business, with the help of the media to complete information, and can’t receive the consumer feedback, also won’t produce exchanges among different consumer groups, that is not transparent and long industry chain has brought “channel is king”, The enterprise occupies the absolute dominant position in the market. To put it simply, consumers in the past were not clear about the quality of decoration enterprises’ products and services, causing many traditional home decoration enterprises to fish in troubled waters and make up the number without being qualified, only doing “one-time” consumption services.

Secondly, high-quality home decoration resources are not enough to sink, the second-tier cities return to traditional home decoration enterprises. After the birth of the Internet, the status of enterprises and users has changed, but the quality of products and services of enterprises left behind to fish in troubled waters is difficult to achieve rapid growth in the short term, which is particularly obvious in the third and fourth tier cities. On Tuba Rabbit, there is a shortage of home decoration resources in second-tier cities. For example, in Haikou, the provincial capital city, there are only one or two enterprises with the highest evaluation number and only double-digit evaluation. There are few high-quality home decoration products and services, and consumers have fewer resources to choose from. And most users do not dare to rurly choose small white decoration company, but follow the public choice, resulting in a serious polarization of home decoration enterprises in the third and fourth tier cities on the platform, it seems to enter a lot of enterprises, in fact, users can only choose in a very limited number of enterprises, smaller cities can only go to the line.

Finally, under the regulatory system, the products and services on the platform are still not perfect enough. Come, for most consumers, buy a house, decoration may be one of the few major events in life, consumers will have very much and stringent requirements, which requires home decoration company products and services can withstand the test of consumer selection and time, do more extreme. Second, home decoration itself is very important details, a little detail is not in place may affect the quality of life of users in the future; Third, the completion of the home decoration project and the level of service cannot be reasonably considered in a short period of time. More consumption feedback should come from the real life experience in the later period. So for this very low-frequency industry, it’s very important, but also very difficult, to do the best products and services.

The common fault of current home outfit industry is not enough acme namely, practitioner lacks craftsman spirit, seek to earn quick money only, unintentionally burnish product and service. Now on Tuba Rabbit, consumers are choosing relatively high-quality products rather than absolute high-quality services. As a channel platform for grafting information, Tuba Rabbit only helps consumers to do a screening in function. Its main difference is to provide follow-up protection and rights protection channels. Taobao is the ultimate service, wechat is the ultimate basic social function, Douyin is the ultimate music and entertainment, for the home decoration industry, the ultimate products and services, is the key to accumulate reputation and long-term benefits.

In general, the quality of home decoration and service is the industry in any party can not get around the mountain, the Internet can not solve the problem from the root, eliminate chaos, but played a standard, regulatory role. And the reasons for low permeability in the field of home decoration are more than this, tuba rabbit and other decoration platforms are also to blame.

Who asked you to do home decoration — “the tough nut to crack”?

Home decoration industry chain is long, heavy model, which is well known. It’s not like a retail business where you can check in, get feedback, and just go. Therefore, in the actual decoration process, users rely on the platform for a long period, and the role of the home decoration platform becomes crucial. Tuba rabbit and other home decoration platforms not only completely copy the evaluation system of retail business, its presence in the process of home decoration is also very weak.

First of all, Tuba Rabbit is a unicorn in the industry, with few platform resources in third-tier and fourth-tier cities. On the basis of the overall scarcity of resources, users are stratified, and the number of service enterprises at all levels is limited. Based positioning, decorate a company usually have the general orientation of the enterprise is very popular, in the soil, rabbit, for example, a positioning in the decoration enterprise users evaluation for the highest, most enterprises an evaluation of all have no, a few enterprises have a single-digit evaluation, low and high-end users will find it hard to find the right resources, finally return to the traditional decoration companies.

Secondly, tuba rabbit evaluation system is not applicable to the field of home decoration. Due to the long home decoration industry chain, it is not reasonable to use the traditional evaluation model such as e-commerce for home decoration service evaluation. Just think about it, the decoration time is as long as a month, after the completion of the decoration, all aspects of satisfaction from users to praise, but in one or two years after living, users may be troubled by some loopholes and details, such as tiles are not good, wallpaper falling off, wash pool leakage and other small problems. And right now rights protection is tantamount to praying mantras, the possibility of success is minimal. For the enterprise anyway, the praise has been given, the follow-up service is not the same; For the platform, there is only one additional opportunity for evaluation, and it is within a certain time limit. Users’ complaints can also be ignored, and consumers still do not have too many channels to protect their rights.

Finally, tuba rabbit uses the renovation diary as a function of community communication, which is not as effective as the q&A mode. The form of journaling is very personal and impersonal, with a small proportion of dry, valuable information that can be extracted, and is not as effective as the Q&A community. Especially for home decoration such a complex project, each user’s concerns are not the same, decoration diary may not be able to achieve effective community communication purposes.

In addition, there are Internet home decoration platform supervision road one foot high, devil one foot high, there are still many legacy problems: for example, designers false title, the actual business level is poor, consumers are difficult to distinguish between true and false; Some decoration company heavy appearance, will only meitu PPT, the actual product landing quality is unsatisfactory; Consumer rights in the field of home decoration is time-consuming and costly, and the cost of reinstallation is too high, so we can only eat dumb losses…

In general, tuba rabbit, as a unicorn in the industry, supervision alone is not enough to solve practical problems, and there are not enough targeted and personalized products to build their own moat, but win in the head effect. But true unicorns rely more on building barriers, letting products speak for themselves, self-growing and scaling, and efficient retention.

How should tu ba rabbit save home decoration industry?

The standards of the home decoration industry need the support of consumers, platforms and home decoration enterprises, and Tuba Rabbit, as the platform with the biggest voice, has more to do.

First, Tubatu should make good use of Internet innovation technology to empower its own business products, achieve online transformation driven offline mode, and truly control the lifeline of the enterprise. For example, do a good job in big data accumulation, establish a perfect two-way evaluation mechanism and credit score system. It is reported that Tuba Rabbit has accumulated services for nearly 20 million users, these data are very rare resources, not only can be used to portrait users in the field of home decoration, but also can further improve the screening mechanism of home decoration enterprises, so that the inferior ones can be eliminated quickly.

Second, Tuba Rabbit can carry out business with the help of multi-party credit investigation system at the present stage, and then build its own credit investigation system by accumulating credit data of enterprises and users. Because the home decoration industry chain is too long, Tubatu needs to continue to follow up the home decoration enterprise services, to create a more complete and long-term service cycle, and to accumulate and record the consumer demand and feedback for a long time. In this way, it is possible for Tuba Rabbit to establish corporate credit database through home decoration business. In the future society, the value of credit data is very high. For example, ant credit can basically serve the entire ecology of Ali now. Tuba Rabbit should also have forward-looking consciousness, establish a perfect two-way evaluation mechanism, and build its own database and credit system.

Third, tuba rabbit needs to be more ground, sink channels, high penetration, and open the potential market in the third and fourth tier cities. In the past, Pinduoduo was deeply sinking to tap the potential of e-commerce market. After that, interesting headlines opened a new world from bottom to top. The market value of trillions in home decoration field is still to be developed. Tuba rabbit to use Internet technology to reach the third and fourth tier cities, do “small and beautiful” refined home decoration services, not to be dragged down by the overweight industrial chain.

Fourth, Tuba Rabbit must be service-oriented, carry out targeted innovation and reform according to the particularity of the industry, and establish a more reliable and suitable platform self-operation mechanism. For example, the service evaluation system that is more in line with the interests of consumers, the screening mode that is more conducive to excavating high-quality home decoration enterprises, and the targeted community function creation… And so on. In short, suitable for others may not be suitable for themselves, Tuba rabbit must maintain the purity of home decoration business, to create a stronger barrier.

In fact, the model of Internet + home decoration has been questioned. The O2O model has not changed the traditional home decoration market in essence, but has broadened the information output channel. Now the Internet penetration is deeper, the whole home decoration market is also moving towards standardization and transparency, but on the one hand, this is a very slow process, Tuba Rabbit has taken the first step of supervision, still need more time to take the second and third steps; On the other hand, there are still frequent pains on the way forward, but I believe that Tuba Rabbit can drive the industry forward by using the existing market basis and the accumulated market value, so that the whole home decoration industry can complete the second rebirth.

Article/Liu Kuang public account, ID: Liukuang110