The problem of eating for philosophers

1. Problem description

There were five philosophers sitting around a round table with a plate of macaroni in the middle, an empty plate in front of each, and a fork between them. Every philosopher thinks, hungers, and eats macaroni. In order to eat noodles, each philosopher must be given two forks, and no one can take a fork directly from his left or right.

2. The analysis

(1) Process: 5 philosophers (similar activities) (2) Shared resources: 5 forks, mutually exclusive use (3) Philosopher before eating, test whether the fork can be used (P operation), after eating, put down the fork (V operation) (4) Philosopher processes do not need to exchange information design semaphore: Each fork has a mutex, forki, with an initial value of 1

3. Solutions to the problems of scientists

Solution 1 (deadlocks occur)

semaphore fork[5]; 
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) fork[i]=1; Cobegin process philosopher_i() // I = 0,1,2,3,4 coend processphilosopher_i// I = 0,1,2,3,4while(true) { think( ); P(fork[i]); P(fork[(i+1)%5]); eat( ); V(fork[i]); V(fork[(i+1)%5]); }}Copy the code

A deadlock occurs when the philosopher picks up both the left and right forks at the same time

2. Allow up to four philosophers to eat at the same time (avoid deadlocks)

semaphore fork[5]; 
Semaphore place=4; 
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) fork[i]=1; Cobegin process philosopher_i() // I = 0,1,2,3,4 coend processphilosopher_i() {/ / I = 0,1,2,3,4while(true) { think( ); p(place); P(fork[i]); P(fork[(i+1)%5]); eat( ); V(fork[i]); V(fork[(i+1)%5]); V(place); }}Copy the code

Solution 3. Limit the order in which you take the fork

Odd numbers take the left hand fork first, even numbers take the right hand fork first (avoid deadlocks)

process philosopher_i( ) 
{ //i= 1,3 
while(true) { 
think( ); 
eat( ); 
process philosopher_i( ) 
{ //i= 0,2,4 
while(true) { think( ); P(fork[(i+1)%5]); P(fork[i]); eat( ); V(fork[(i+1)%5]); V(fork[i]); }}Copy the code