1: D3

Star: 91.5 k

Liverpoolfc.tv: d3js.org/

GitHub address: github.com/mbostock/d3

A js data visualization framework based on data manipulation documents, one of the most popular visualization libraries.

2: Chart. Js

Star: 48.7 k

Chinese language: chartjs.cn/

GitHub address: github.com/nnnick/Char…

Html5-based JavaScript chart library

3: ECharts


Chinese: echarts.apache.org/zh/index.ht…

GitHub address: github.com/ecomfe/echa…

ECharts is an open source visualization library implemented in JavaScript that covers industry charts for a variety of needs. Baidu is an open source data visualization tool.

4: Leaflet

Star: 27.8 K

Liverpoolfc.tv: leafletjs.com/download.ht…

GitHub address: github.com/Leaflet/Lea…

Leaflet is an open source javascript library for interactive maps designed for mobile devices. At only 38K, it contains most of the map features that developers need. It is often used for projects that require geographical representation.

5: highcharts

Star: 9.5 K

Chinese website: www.highcharts.com.cn/ GitHub address: github.com/highcharts/…

SVG based JavaScript chart framework, compatible with IE6+, perfect mobile support, rich chart type, convenient and fast HTML5 interactive chart library. General problems are easy to solve, but once critical problems are encountered, personal support is very limited. Compared with FusionCharts, there are few supported graphs