Column | chapter nine algorithm

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Say “blockchain” and most people immediately think of “bitcoin”. However, “blockchain” and “bitcoin” are substantially different. Bitcoin is only the initial application of blockchain technology, and whatever happens to bitcoin, the real star is blockchain.

As interest in blockchain surges, new jobs in blockchain-related fields will grow steadily. That means the payoff for “blockchain” skills is huge. Gartner predicts that blockchain business “value added” will exceed $3.1 trillion over the next 12 years. As of May 2017, the average annual salary for blockchain engineers was between $138,000 and $152,000, according to Glassdoor.

1. What skills are required for “blockchain” programming

If you’re hoping to get into the booming field of “blockchain,” the next obvious question is: What skills do you need to land that high-paying job?

It all depends on your existing programming skills. “Blockchain” programming is not where you can get started as a programmer. To be a successful blockchain developer, you need to have a solid knowledge of the basics of programming.

As you can see, Bitcoin itself is programmed in C++. Ethereum uses C++ and Python. Other mainstream blockchain applications support Java, Python, node.js and C#, all of which are core programming languages, which will make you a sought-after developer throughout the IT industry, not just in blockchain.

The skills required for blockchain are roughly as follows:

  • Study computer science and programming
  • Focus on understanding network and security skills
  • Knowledge of core Web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and full stack applications
  • Learn in depth how blockchain works
  • Start your own blockchain project through an online course or university course

It’s hard to understand and use a programming language without a programming language specification. The great thing about blockchain is that it’s more like a framework than a real language. It communicates over a distributed network, not a centralized one.

2 “Blockchain” online learning resource recommendation

College resources are limited for programmers looking for a career change, so you can look for online blockchain resources to learn from. There are already great resources on the web for learning blockchain programming. Most of the free courses are introductory, and if you want to reach a higher level, you can choose some high-quality courses for a fee. Here are some great resources for learning blockchain programming online:

1. Online blockchain courses

Here are some learning sites about blockchain and blockchain application development:

  • This is a Crash Course that will teach you how to develop a very simple blockchain application.
  • Edx regularly updates its blockchain courses and even offers certifications from Berkeley and the Linux Foundation.
  • The courses here at Udemy are mostly efficient courses that help you go from beginner to master. The course isn’t free, but it’s a good investment if you want to get a job as a blockchain developer.
  • If you’re on a budget, Class Central offers some free blockchain courses.
  • Coursera, the leading online course resource, is launching a series of blockchain courses.
  • B9Lab Blockhain Academy is a series of courses designed to help you learn blockchain skills and obtain certificates related to blockchain developers.

2. Online blockchain practices

If you are a software developer and already have the basic programming skills required above, you can learn blockchain programming directly. The following resources provide online programming platforms to help you develop your own blockchain applications:

  • IBM has long been a leader in Blockchain development. In early 2018, IBM and walmart teamed up to develop a supply chain blockchain pilot. IBM recognized the need for more blockchain professionals, so it provided a complete platform to help developers learn and practice blockchain programming. In the Developer section of Learn, you can sign up for an introductory program to test your own blockchain application. It’s not free, but you can get an initial scholarship of $500.
  • In the BitDegree Tutorial you will learn about Solidity, the programming language provided by Ethereum developers. By learning the language and practicing it by simulating the development of games like Space Doggos and CryptoZombies, you will quickly become a Solidy expert in practice. If you want to develop smart contracts, this is a good place to start.

Since the entire blockchain development community is using open source software and resources, you can start developing blockchain applications in your favorite programming language without using the platform mentioned above.

3. Recommendation of blockchain-related projects in universities

At present, many mainstream universities are also opening specialized LABS and programs to explore the application and development of blockchain. If you have enough time and money, it’s not a bad idea to apply for a degree and pursue professional academic research at a university.

Here is a list of schools that currently have blockchain-related programs:

  • Berkeley University blockchain Lab
  • New York University blockchain Lab
  • Duke University blockchain Lab
  • Princeton University Handbook of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
  • Stanford Blockchain Research Center

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