What is blockchain? In essence, blockchain is a method of distributed data storage, which brings immutable benefits. Blockchain is a decentralized system, and in order to ensure that the behavior and state of all participating nodes are consistent in a decentralized environment, “consensus” needs to be introduced.

It can be said that without consensus algorithm, blockchain cannot guarantee the unification and authenticity of data in each block. For beginners who want to learn blockchain development, consensus algorithm is a basic skill that must be mastered.

In the traditional distributed database, there are also some consensus algorithms, such as raft, PaxOS. How is this different from the consensus algorithm of blockchain technology? What are the categories of blockchain consensus algorithms? We will solve these problems in this technical workshop.


Time and place

** Time: ** September 26th 18:30-21:00

Location :(xuhui, Shanghai) room A308, no.596 longhua middle road, xuhui district, Shanghai municipality

9.8 YUAN/person for offline sharing and communication

Requirements for participants:

1) Technical background, interested in blockchain development;

2) The activity quota is 15, and the application deadline is full;

3) Bring your own computer

4) A set of books entitled “Blockchain Development Practice: Hyperledger Fabric Key Technology and Case Analysis” and “Blockchain Development Practice: Ethereum Key Technology and Case Analysis” will be presented to one randomly selected participant


Active process

18:30-19:30 Sign in and introduce yourself

19:30-20:30 Consensus algorithm of blockchain

20:30-21:00 Guest interaction


Share theme and guests

Topic: Consensus algorithms in blockchain

Introduction: Blockchain is a decentralized system. In order to ensure the consistent behavior and state of all participating nodes in a decentralized environment, “consensus” needs to be introduced. Some consensus algorithms that you may be familiar with are as follows: Raft, PaxOS, these are common consensus algorithms used in centralized distributed systems. There are some differences between these algorithms and the consensus algorithms in blockchain. Please bring your laptop and watch the views and practical experience of Wu Shouhe, core architect of ion chain.

Share the outline:

1. Why Consensus: The Story of the Byzantine Generals

2. What problems do consensus algorithms in blockchain solve

3. Classification of common consensus algorithms in blockchain, their advantages and disadvantages, and scope of application


Sharing guest: Wu Shouhe

Shouhe Wu is chief architect of ion chain, co-founder of Blockchain Brothers, blockchain technology & security encryption expert; HyperLedger core developer; Since 2014, I have been engaged in blockchain development. Participated in the publication of several books on blockchain, such as “Actual Blockchain Development – Analysis of Key Technology Principles of Ethereum” and “Actual Blockchain Development – Analysis of Key Technology Principles of Hyperledger”.


Registration form

To register, identify the QR code below or click “Read the original text”.