When learning Node, I learned that the default download address of NPM is abroad, so the download speed is slow in China. So try using the third-party module NRM, using the following steps:
1. Run NPM install NRM -g to download the file.
2. Query the available download address list: NRM ls.
3. Switch the NPM download address: NRM use Download address name.
Problems encountered while downloading NRM: Long stay: WARN deprecated [email protected]: Request has been deprecated
The main problem when resources in foreign countries, need to download the domestic mirror, configure taobao mirror:
npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org
Copy the code
Check whether the configuration is successful:
npm config get registry
Reinstall (-g indicates global):
npm install nrm -g
Copy the code
If the problem is solved successfully, run the NRM ls command to view the download and current usage:Use the image name to switch: