View basic property binding

/** * test data-binding of view: setBackground, setBackgroundColor,setBackgroundResource.setEnable . etc. * Created by heaven7 on 2017/9/24. */
public class TestViewBindActivity extends BaseActivity {

    View mV_enable;

    @BindView( @BindBackground("background")
    View mV_bg;

    View mV_bg_color;

    View mV_bg_res;

    View mV_visibility;

    private ResHelper mHelper = new ResHelper();
    private Binder<ViewBind> binder;

    protected int getLayoutId(a) {
        return R.layout.ac_test_view_bind;
    protected void onInit(Context context, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final ViewBind data = DataMediatorFactory.createData(ViewBind.class);
        //bind data.
        binder = DataMediatorFactory.bind(this, data);

    public void onClickChangeBg(View v){
        // Change the background (drawable)

    public void onClickChangeBgColor(View v){
        // Change background (color)

    public void onClickChangeBgRes(View v){
        // Change the background (resource id)

    public void onClickChangeEnable(View v){
        // Change the enable statebinder.getDataProxy().setEnable(! binder.getData().isEnable()); }@OnClick(
    public void onClickChangeVisibility(View v){ binder.getDataProxy().setVisible(! binder.getDataProxy().isVisible()); }@Override
    protected void onDestroy(a) {
        super.onDestroy(); }}Copy the code

Here is the Adapter binding data.

/** * test data-binding in adapter. All of the@BindViewIt's a butterKnife. * Created by heaven7 on 2017/11/9 0009. */
public class TestDatabindingAdapter extends BaseActivity {

    private static final String TAG = "TD adapter";
    private static final Random sRan = new Random();

    RecyclerView mRv;

    protected InternalAdapter mAdapter;

    protected int getLayoutId(a) {
        return R.layout.ac_test_databinding_adapter;

    protected void onInit(Context context, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mRv.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(context));
        mRv.setAdapter(mAdapter = new InternalAdapter(createItems()));

    //random remove item
    public void onClickRemove(View v){
        AdapterItemManager<Student> manager = mAdapter.getItemManager();
        int itemCount = manager.getItemSize();
        final int index = new Random().nextInt(itemCount - 1);
        Logger.i(TAG, "onClickRemove"."index = " + index);
    public void onClickAdd(View v){
        AdapterItemManager<Student> manager = mAdapter.getItemManager();
        int itemCount = manager.getItemSize();
        final int index = new Random().nextInt(itemCount - 1);
        Logger.i(TAG, "onClickAdd"."index = " + index);
        manager.addItem(index, createItem().setAge(1));

    public static List<Student> createItems(a) {
        sIndex = 0;
        List<Student> list = new ArrayList<>();
        //just mock data
        final int count = 20;
        for (int i =0 ; i< count ; i++){
        return list;
    public static Student createItem(a){
        Student data = DataMediatorFactory.createData(Student.class);
        data.setAge(sIndex ++ );
        data.setName("google__" + sRan.nextInt(100));
        return data;

    private static int sIndex = 0;

    public static class InternalAdapter extends DataBindingRecyclerAdapter<Student> {

        public InternalAdapter(List<Student> mDatas) {
            super(mDatas, true);
        public DataBindingViewHolder<Student> onCreateViewHolderImpl(ViewGroup parent, int layoutId) {
            return new InnerViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext())
                    .inflate(layoutId, parent, false));
        protected int getItemLayoutId(int position, Student student) {
            returnR.layout.item_test_recycler_list; }}public static class InnerViewHolder extends DataBindingRecyclerAdapter.DataBindingViewHolder<Student>{

        @BindView( @BindText("name")
        TextView mTv_name;

        @BindView( @BindText("age")
        TextView mTv_age;

        public InnerViewHolder(View itemView) {

        protected void onPreCreateDataBinding(View itemView) {
            ButterKnife.bind(this, itemView);

        public void onClickName(View v){
            //here just toast
            Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "onClickName is called, pos = "
                    + getAdapterPosition2(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        public void onClickAge(View v){
            //here just toast
            Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "onClickAge is called, pos = "
                    + getAdapterPosition2(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        public void onClickChangeItem(View v){
            final int pos = getAdapterPosition2();
                    .setAge((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() % 99))
                    .setName("google+__" + pos);
            //Note: no need notifyItemChanged here.}}}Copy the code

Adapter binding data, using GridLayoutManger and adding header examples.

/** * data-binding adapter with header. * Created by heaven7 on 2017/11/11. */
//TestDatabindingAdapter see above
public class DataBindingAdapterWithHeader extends TestDatabindingAdapter {

    RecyclerView mRv;

    protected int getLayoutId(a) {
        return R.layout.ac_databinding_adapter_with_header;

    protected void onInit(Context context, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TestDatabindingAdapter.InternalAdapter adapter =
                new TestDatabindingAdapter.InternalAdapter(createItems());
        GridLayoutManager glp = RecyclerViewUtils.createGridLayoutManager(adapter, context, 2);
                mRv, false)); mRv.setAdapter(mAdapter = adapter); }}Copy the code

ImageView image binding.

The custom Binder.

/** * test self Binder. this demo will show how to override binder method for data-binding. * Created by heaven7 on 2017/11/13 0013. * /
public class TestSelfBinderActivity extends TestImageViewBindActivity implements ImageLoader{

    protected void onInit(Context context, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final ImageViewBind data = DataMediatorFactory.createData(ImageViewBind.class);
        mBinder = DataMediatorFactory.createDataBinding(this)
                .bind(data, new DataBinding.SimpleParameterSupplier() {
                    protected Object getImageLoader(a) {
                        return TestSelfBinderActivity.this; }},null);

    public void loadImage(String url,final ImageView iv) {
                .into(new SimpleTarget<Drawable>(200.200) {
                    public void onResourceReady(Drawable resource,
                                                Transition<? super Drawable> transition) { iv.setImageDrawable(resource); }}); }public static class MyBinder<T> extends AndroidBinder<T>{

         * create binder for target data mediator. this constructor must be public .
         * @param mMediator the target data mediator.
        public MyBinder(DataMediator<T> mMediator) {

        public Binder<T> bindImageUrl(String property, Object imageView, Object imageLoader) {
            if(! (imageViewinstanceof ImageView)){
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("the view must be ImageView");
            if(imageLoader instanceof ImageLoader){
                ImageView iv = (ImageView) imageView;
      , "start using self MyBinder with image loader.");
                return bind(property, new ImageUrlBinderCallback<T>(iv, getPropertyInterceptor(),
            return super.bindImageUrl(property, imageView, imageLoader); }}private static class ImageUrlBinderCallback<T> extends SimpleBinderCallback2<T> {

        final ImageLoader mLoader;
        public ImageUrlBinderCallback(ImageView tv, PropertyInterceptor interceptor, ImageLoader loader) {
            super(tv, interceptor);
            this.mLoader = loader;
        protected void apply(Property prop, View view, Object newValue) { mLoader.loadImage((String) newValue, (ImageView) view); }}}Copy the code

Bind a set of properties to a view?

use @BindsView and @BindsTextView.


Common property bindings are already implemented and you want to customize them. Use custom Binder and BinderFactory. Adapter data binding supports’ add, delete, change and check – CRUD ‘of items, including header and footer. Of course, this framework is much more than that. As long as you take a closer look at the project’s sample application, more surprises await you. After version 1.4.1, its data binding works perfectly with ButterKnife.

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