0x00 What is InfluxDB

InfluxDB is an open source timing database developed by InfluxData, which focuses on high-performance read, high-performance write, efficient storage and real-time analysis of massive timing data. It ranks first in DB-Engines Ranking Ranking of timing database. It is widely used in scenarios such as DevOps monitoring, IoT monitoring, and real-time analysis.

Strong and complete ecology, TICK is an open source timing platform that integrates the collection, storage, analysis and visualization capabilities. It is composed of Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor in a flexible and loose combination, but closely coordinated and complementary. Each module project is coordinated and complementary, focusing on DevOps monitoring, IoT monitoring, real-time analysis and other scenarios.

Telegraf is a server program that collects and reports indicators of the current host, such as CPU load, using the standard InfluxDB API.

InfluxDB is a high-performance sequential database focused on sequential data scenarios (e.g., DevOps monitoring, IoT monitoring, real-time analytics, etc.) that supports flexible custom Retention policies and SQL-like operational interfaces.

Chronograf is a visual UI layer that temporarily influents data in the GRAPHICAL interface and supports Kapacitor alarms, etc.

Kapacitor is an event processing and alarm engine that supports flexible and powerful customization as well as integration with third systems such as HipChat.

0x01 Advantages of InfluxDB

InfluxDB focuses on DevOps monitoring, IoT monitoring, and other scenarios. A suite of software designed for sequential storage, high performance read and write, real-time operation, and high availability, InfluxDB has been designed and developed from scratch by implementing a highly scalable data reception and storage engine. Efficiently collect, store, query, visualize, and perform predefined operations in real time. It uses sampling and data retention strategies to support keeping high-value, high-precision data in memory and low-value data to disk. Compared with OpenTSDB, MongoDB, Graphite, Cassandra, etc., InfluxDB has obvious performance and cost advantages as a well-designed and well-structured dedicated system.

The write performance, storage efficiency, and query efficiency of InfluxDB are 5 times that of OpenTSDB, 16.5 times that of OpenTSDB, and 3.65 times that of OpenTSDB.

The write performance, storage efficiency, and query efficiency of InfluxDB are 2.4 times that of MongoDB, 20 times that of MongoDB, and 5.7 times that of MongoDB.

InfluxDB’s write performance is 12 times that of Graphite, storage efficiency is 6.3 times that of Graphite, and query efficiency is 9 times that of Graphite.

0x03 InfluxDB Features

InfluxDB is a database service integrating efficient read and write, compressed storage, and real-time computing capabilities of time series data. Besides cost-effective high-performance read, write, and storage, InfluxDB also has the following characteristics:

  1. No system environment dependence, convenient deployment.

  2. Unstructured data model, flexible and powerful.

  3. Native HTTP management interface, plug-in – free configuration and third-party dependency – free.

  4. Powerful SQL query statement operation interface, learning cost is low, fast.

  5. Rich rights management functions, fine down to the “table” level.

  6. Rich aging management function, automatic deletion of expired data, self-defined deletion of index data.

  7. Low cost storage, sampling time series data, compression storage.

  8. Rich aggregation functions, support AVG, SUM, MAX, MIN and other aggregation functions.


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