No matter how the products of the Internet of Things change, they cannot escape from the architecture of this picture. In this, cloud platform plays a very important role as an intermediary, and both the access end and the application end interact with cloud platform. Data is value, cloud platform this data center is absolutely the core of the development of the Internet of things, no wonder some head Internet enterprises have developed their own cloud platform.

Cloud platforms generally provide three types of cloud services: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS:

IaaS: Infrastructure service, infrastructure-as-a-service

PaaS: platform-as-a-service

SaaS: software-as-a-service

What’s the difference?

An example of opening a pizzeria to explain cloud services circulated online:

Imagine that you are a restaurateur and want to start a pizza business. You could have made your own pizza from start to finish, but it was a bit of a hassle and a lot of preparation, so you decided to outsource some of the work and use someone else’s services. You have three options. Plan 1: Iaas other people provide the kitchen, stove, gas, and you use this infrastructure to bake your pizza. Plan 2: In addition to plan 1’s infrastructure, PaaS also provides pizza crust. All you have to do is sprinkle your own toppings on the crust and let him bake them for you. In other words, all you have to do is design the taste of the pizza (seafood pizza or chicken pizza), and someone else provides a platform for you to implement your design. Plan 3: SaaS Other people directly make pizza, without your intervention, hand is a finished product. All you have to do is sell it, repackage it and put your own Logo on it. The three schemes are summarized as follows:

From left to right, the workload (shown in blue) is decreasing, IaaS > PaaS > SaaS. For software development, this is the diagram below:

IaaS is the lowest layer of cloud services and mainly provides basic resources.

PaaS provides a software deployment platform (runtime) that abstracts hardware and operating system details and allows for seamless scaling. Developers only need to focus on their own business logic, not the underlying layer.

SaaS is software that is developed, managed and deployed by a third party without technical concerns.



From small businesses to global businesses, the cloud is a very hot topic, and it is a very broad concept that covers many online domains. Whether it’s application or infrastructure deployment, it’s more important than ever to understand the differences and advantages of various cloud services when you start thinking about moving your business to the cloud.

There are generally three cloud service models: SaaS (software as a service), PaaS (platform as a service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a service). Each has its own benefits and differences. In order for your organization to make the best choice, it is important that you understand the differences between SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.

The main differences between the three models are summarized below:

SaaS: Software as a service

Software as a Service (also known as cloud application services) represents the option most commonly used by enterprises in the cloud market. SaaS leverages the Internet to deliver applications to its users, which are managed by third-party vendors. Most SaaS applications run directly through a Web browser and do not require any download or installation on the client side.

SaaS delivery

Thanks to its network delivery model, SaaS eliminates the need to download and install applications on every computer, which is an IT employee’s nightmare. With SaaS, vendors can manage all potential technical issues, such as data, middleware, servers, and storage, so enterprises can simplify their maintenance and support.

The advantages of SaaS

SaaS offers many benefits to employees and companies by drastically reducing the time and money spent on tedious tasks such as installing, managing, and upgrading software. This allows technicians to spend more time on more pressing issues and problems within the organization.

The characteristics of SaaS

There are aspects to help you determine when to use SaaS:

  • Managed in a unified place
  • Hosted on a remote server
  • Accessible via the Internet
  • Customer is not responsible for hardware or software updates

When to Use SaaS

SaaS is most beneficial in a number of scenarios, including:

  • If you’re a startup or small company that needs to jump-start e-commerce quickly, you don’t have time to deal with server issues or software
  • Suitable for short term projects that require collaboration
  • If you need an unusual application, such as tax software
  • For applications that require Web and mobile access

An example of SaaS

Google Apps, Dropbox, Salesforce, Cisco WebEx, Concur and GoToMeeting

PaaS: Platform as a service

Cloud platform services, or platform-as-a-service (PaaS), provide cloud components for some software, primarily for applications. PaaS provides developers with a framework on which to create custom applications. All servers, storage, and networks can be managed by an enterprise or third-party provider, and developers can be responsible for the management of applications.

PaaS delivery

PaaS has a delivery model similar to SaaS in that, in addition to providing software over the Internet, PaaS provides a software creation platform. The platform is delivered over the Web, giving developers the freedom to focus on creating software without worrying about operating systems, software updates, storage, or infrastructure.

PaaS allow enterprises to design and create applications built into PaaS using special software components. These applications or middleware are extensible and highly available due to certain cloud features.

PaaS advantage

Regardless of the size of your company, there are many advantages to using PaaS:

  • Make application development and deployment simple and cost-effective
  • extensible
  • Highly available
  • Enables developers to create custom applications without maintaining software
  • Greatly reduced the amount of coding
  • Automated business strategy
  • Allows easy migration to hybrid models

The characteristics of PaaS

PaaS have a number of characteristics that define them as cloud services, including:

  • It is based on virtualization technology, which means resources can be easily scaled up or down as the business changes
  • Provides a variety of services to assist in developing, testing, and deploying applications
  • Many users can access the same development application
  • Web services and databases are integrated

When to use PaaS

In many cases, using PaaS is beneficial and even necessary. If there are multiple developers working on the same development project, or other vendors must be included, PaaS can provide great speed and flexibility to the process. PaaS is also beneficial if you want to be able to create your own custom applications. Cloud services can also significantly reduce costs and simplify some of the challenges that arise when you develop or deploy applications quickly.

An example of a PaaS

AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Heroku,, Google App Engine, Apache Stratos, OpenShift.

IaaS: Infrastructure as a service

Cloud infrastructure services, called infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), consist of highly scalable and automated computing resources. IaaS is fully self-service for accessing and monitoring computing, networking, storage, and other services. It allows an enterprise to purchase resources on demand and need without having to purchase all hardware.

IaaS delivery

IaaS uses virtualization technology to provide cloud computing infrastructure for organizations, including servers, networks, operating systems, and storage. These cloud servers are typically provided to clients through dashboards or apis, and the IaaS client has complete control over the entire infrastructure. IaaS provides the same technologies and functions as traditional data centers without the need for physical maintenance or management. IaaS clients still have direct access to their servers and storage, but all through a “virtual data center” in the cloud.

In contrast to SaaS or PaaS, IaaS clients are responsible for managing aspects of the application, runtime, operating system, middleware, and data. However, IaaS providers manage servers, hard drives, networking, virtualization, and storage. Some providers even offer more services beyond the virtualization layer, such as databases or message queues.

The advantage of IaaS

Choosing IaaS has many benefits, such as:

  • Is the most flexible cloud computing model
  • Easy automatic deployment of storage, network, server and processing power
  • Hardware can be purchased based on consumption
  • Enable customers to take full control of their infrastructure
  • Resources can be purchased as needed
  • Highly scalable

The characteristics of IaaS

Some characteristics to consider when considering IaaS are:

  • Resources are available as services
  • Fees vary with consumption
  • The service is highly scalable
  • Typically, multiple users are included on a single piece of hardware
  • Provides the organization with complete control over the infrastructure
  • Dynamic flexible

When to use IaaS

As with SaaS and PaaS, IaaS is best for specific scenarios. IaaS is a great choice if you are a startup or small company, so you don’t have to spend time or money creating hardware and software. IaaS is also beneficial for large organizations that want complete control over their applications and infrastructure while only buying the hardware they actually consume or need. IaaS can be a good choice for rapidly growing companies because you don’t have to commit to specific hardware or software as requirements change and evolve. This also helps if you’re not sure what your new application needs, because you can scale or shrink as needed.

An example of IaaS

DigitalOcean, Linode, Rackspace, AWS, Cisco Metapod, Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine (GCE)

SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS

In general, each cloud model provides its own specific capabilities and features, so it is critical that your solution understand these differences. Whether you’re looking for cloud storage software, a smooth platform to create custom applications, or want complete control over your entire infrastructure without having to physically maintain it, you can use cloud services. Whichever option you choose, moving to the cloud is the future of business and technology, and it’s important to get it right.
