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On March 20th, China Grand Hotel, ten domestic mobile phone manufacturers: Xiaomi, Huawei, OPPO, Vivo, Meizu, Gionee, ZTE, Nubia, Lenovo, OnePlus, officially announced the establishment of fast app alliance, launch fast app.

“Quick Application” is a new application ecosystem jointly launched by nine mobile phone manufacturers based on hardware platforms. Users can enjoy the performance experience of native applications without downloading and installing them. “Fast App” uses front-end technology stack development, native rendering, and has the dual advantages of H5 pages and native apps. The “Fast Application” framework is deeply integrated into mobile phone systems of various manufacturers. It can achieve seamless connection between user requirements and application services at the operating system level, improve user experience and application service conversion efficiency, and support desktop icon generation and other retention capabilities.

“Quick Application” has four experience advantages of “free installation, free storage, one-click direct delivery, update direct push”. “Quick application” will make it easier for users to obtain the services they need through mobile phones. For example, in the case of App, you first need to know that there are food delivery apps such as Ele. me and Meituan that can search for food. Then you need to download and install these apps in the App market, and then open these apps and search for “pizza”. With the “fast App”, when you get a new phone, you don’t need to know which App can help you find food, and you don’t need to download that App. You just need to pull down the desktop, open the search box, type “pizza”, and you can easily access the corresponding service.

Through the above description, free installation, free storage, one key direct, update direct push, is not very similar to the advantages of wechat small program? A lot of people say that the release of the “fast application” is a sword to micro channel small program, in fact, everyone is fighting for the mobile phone desktop this flow entrance.

Why jointly develop fast apps?

Whether it is wechat small program or fast application, the purpose is to seize the user’s mobile phone desktop this traffic entrance, mobile phone desktop is so big, who can let the App resident, who has more advantages. It was widely rumored that Alipay copied wechat mini programs, and compared with Alipay mini programs, it can be said that the two apps can meet 80% of users’ needs. What is the value of fast application?

In addition, small programs backed by wechat, the super App, after more than a year of development, ushered in the outbreak period. Small programs have the inherent advantage of quickly taking over mobile users’ desktops without having to install a huge App. Users go to wechat to download small programs, who will bother to download apps in the major App stores, no one to download apps, mobile phone manufacturers are bound to lose a huge amount of traffic, as well as the flow of advertising fees and promotion fees, so manufacturers will unite to promote fast apps.

Quite simply, domestic mobile phone manufacturers, backed by the open Android platform, are imitating Apple to build their own ecosystem. They not only sell hardware phones, but also have their own application distribution platform, which makes Domestic Android developers very headache. Different interfaces and requirements may be developed, and the standard developed by the fast application consortium can solve this problem. In order not to let wechat small program to take away the application distribution of traffic, the emergence of fast application can be said to be an inevitable requirement.

Users love the

For mobile phone users, the birth of fast application can actually solve the user’s mobile phone storage is not enough, application installation too much trouble, no installation, instant use, great convenience for mobile phone users. To a certain extent, it can increase the use of Android phones.

In fact, the development of technology, the purpose of the birth of products are to serve users, on the basis of service users to make money, users are cool, may be the developer pain.

Developer’s Pain

To tell the truth, once the fast application in domestic fast growth and development, for mobile development the Android native developers will certainly cause certain impact, as technical people keep is inevitable for us to learn and grow, to be honest, I recently found that seems a lot of technology in the front, we recently in the development of a system, Use Vue to do the front and back end separation, whether it is wechat small program, Alipay small program, Vue, or a lot of front-end frameworks are very similar, here, I strongly recommend that you have time to learn about Vue, if you know Vue, small program development, fast application development is absolutely no longer. I can only say: Vue method is good.

Quick apps VS small apps, which is better?

  1. The quick application is directly built on the desktop of the mobile phone manufacturer, without installation, while the small program may need to open wechat to start the small program. There is an extra layer of operation, but the small program can send shortcut to the desktop, but this function may be banned by the manufacturer once it is in competition with the manufacturer.

  2. Wechat small program backed by wechat, its biggest advantage is that it can be cross-platform, while fast application can only be used in Android phones, mobile phones from domestic manufacturers.

  3. The experience of fast application is basically the same as that of native application.

In fact, no matter how fast application and micro channel small program development, are to provide you with more ways to provide users with more convenience, but also has its limitations, to some extent will certainly impact on native development, but will never replace native development. In addition, the specific development, whether the outbreak, not only depends on these mobile phone manufacturers to increase traffic, but also depends on whether users like and can form a habit?

But anyway, I recommend native developers to learn something about Vue. It’s definitely useful.