This is the seventh day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging


Weekend is the best time to recharge the learning, the weekend set up a Spring Boot column, welcome to learn exchanges. Spring Boot is the upgrade version of Spring framework, because Spring Boot simplifies a framework of Spring application development, the whole Spring technology stack, one-stop solution for J2EE development. Spring Boot has taken off.

This column is intended for Java developers, especially those who are new to Spring Boot and technical people who need to move from traditional Spring to Spring Boot development.

The initial

To simplify the process of building and developing Spring applications, the Pivotal team has built on Top of Spring with a new open source framework called Spring Boot.

Spring Boot has all the excellent features of Spring. Everything Spring can do, Spring Boot can do, and it is simpler to use, richer in functions, and more stable and robust in performance. With the popularity of microservices in recent years, Spring Boot has become a hot technology.

The characteristics of

Spring Boot has the following features:

  • Independently running Spring projects

Spring Boot can be run independently as a JAR package, and the Spring Boot project can be run by simply running the “java-jar xx.jar” command.

  • Built-in Servlet container

Spring Boot uses an embedded Servlet container (such as Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow) so that applications do not need to be packaged as WAR packages.

  • Starter provides the starter to simplify Maven configuration

Spring Boot provides a series of “Starter” project object models (POMS) to simplify Maven configuration.

  • Provides a great deal of auto-configuration

Spring Boot provides a number of default auto-configurations to simplify project development, and developers can modify the default configurations through configuration files.

  • Built-in Application Monitoring

Spring Boot provides monitoring of running projects.

  • No code generation and XML configuration

Spring Boot does not require any XML configuration to implement all of Spring’s configurations.

Create the first project

In the the following interface

  • Project: Select the type of Project. This article uses Maven Project
  • Language: The development Language used to build the Spring Boot project, Java for this article.
  • SpringBoot: Select a SpringBoot version to be created. The Snapshot version represents the unstable version under development, and the Release version represents the stable version. 2.5.3 is selected in this paper.
  • After a GA of M1 milestone edition, there are usually multiple milestones, such as M1, M2, M3.
  • Project Metadata: Sets basic Project information
  • Group: the unique identifier of a project that actually corresponds to the package package in the project.
  • Artifact: A unique identifier for a project, the project Name that actually corresponds to the project. Artifact must not contain uppercase letters.
  • Name: indicates the project Name
  • Description: A Description of the project
  • Package name: indicates the Package name
  • Packaging: indicates the type of Packaging. The project chooses JAR or WAR. This article selects JAR
  • Java: The version used by the Jdk. This article uses JDK8

Download the project

Click the Generate Ctrl + ⏎ button to download the project

Unzip the project. The project file is as follows

Imported into the idea


Well, the simple SpringBoot project is set up. The next chapter is project analysis. The first phase of SpringBoot integration is expected to learn from the following dependencies.

Author introduction: [little ajie] a love to tinker with the program ape, JAVA developers and enthusiasts. Public account [Java full stack architect] maintainer, welcome to pay attention to reading communication.

Well, thank you for reading, I hope you like it, if it is helpful to you, welcome to like the collection. If there are any shortcomings, please comment and correct them. See you next time.