“It’s not just Google, Facebook and Amazon that will play an important role in the future of AI.” – Wu En da

Many people have been frightened by the possibilities of AI.

It’s not just that the big five of fearsome technology — Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple — have become early adopters of ARTIFICIAL intelligence.

Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, has also dabbled in self-driving cars, but he has been one of the staunchest critics of ARTIFICIAL intelligence, saying it threatens humanity’s survival.

But Andrew Ng, co-founder of Coursera, who founded Google’s “AI Brain” project and is a former chief scientist at Baidu, is more optimistic. At a recent TechCrunch Disrupt event, Ng detailed how AI can make the world a better place, not just silicon Valley.

Ng has repeatedly said he believes AI could be the new wave, as it will transform every aspect of human life, including transportation, communications, agriculture, education and healthcare.

“I think we can see a very clear path to AI adoption today… Ai will transform almost any industry. I find it hard to name an industry that won’t be transformed by AI.”

He’s not the only AI futurist. Echoing some of Ng’s sentiments later on TechCrunch, Google AI CEO John Giannandrea ventured that the musk faction’s claims were exaggerated and “irresponsibly exaggerated.”

Tech companies have made major strides in AI, with breakthroughs in both software and hardware in key technologies such as voice assistants, chatbots and search engines. Ng envisions the next future, integrating AI into all sorts of practical products that will ultimately facilitate our lives. One example he gave was the use of ARTIFICIAL intelligence to improve water quality or supply.

“It’s not just the tech giants that will play a role in the future of AI,” Ng said of the big prospects for AI disruption. We also need to help more and more companies incorporate AI into every aspect of their work processes.”

Ng now teaches online courses, including machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence applications.

“What is clear to me is that no single company, including big tech companies, can do all the work to make AI better used in society, and we need to work together,” Ng said. That’s why, over the past few months, I’ve decided to focus on teaching a new curriculum… I think to create an AI society of the future, it takes millions of engineers, millions of you, working together to change that society.”

– the –

Source: The Street

By Annie Palmer

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