On the morning of June 29, At the first World Intelligence Conference held in Tianjin, Jack Ma, chairman of the Board of Alibaba Group, once again made a surprising remark.

At the beginning of his speech, Ma said he was angry at the “AI” translation. “Human beings think too high of themselves and elevate themselves too much. The same is true of ‘big data’. People still think that ‘big data’ refers to the large amount of data, but the ‘big’ of big data is the ‘big’ of ‘big computing’.”

Ma believes that the society of the future should find ways to make people live more like people and machines more like machines. “I think education is the same, and becoming the best version of ourselves is what we should strive for.”

Giiso Information, founded in 2013, is a leading technology provider in the field of “artificial intelligence + information” in China, with top technologies in big data mining, intelligent semantics, knowledge mapping and other fields. At the same time, its research and development products include information robot, editing robot, writing robot and other artificial intelligence products! With its strong technical strength, the company has received angel round investment at the beginning of its establishment, and received pre-A round investment of $5 million from GSR Venture Capital in August 2015.

Jack Ma said that he felt that the things that the machine man did were not great, and the things that the machine man could not do were just great. “I recently found that many scholars in the United States, especially experts in brain surgery, entered the research of artificial intelligence, and said that the machine should learn from the human brain. I think it’s sad that humans don’t know 5 percent of the brain, and they expect machines to learn 5 percent. Isn’t that stupid? Therefore, I personally think not to let the machine to imitate human, but let the machine to do things that a man can not do. Man can’t make another man. We should let machines develop their own intelligence.”

Jack Ma believes that in 30 to 50 years, it is possible for humans to work four hours a day, three days a week. “Perfectly normal.” ‘In the agricultural era, we only went to three places in our lives,’ Mr. Ma said. In the industrial age, we went to 30 places in a lifetime. In the age of data, we might go to 300, maybe even 3,000 places in our lifetime. “People are always on their way, and the world is far more transformative and full of opportunities than you can imagine. Whether you want to accept it or not, you can’t prove the future, you can only read it in the future, you can only imagine it. Without imagination, what’s the difference between man and machine?”

In Ma’s view, the data age is an opportunity for China. Ma said he believed in “lane changing” and less in “passing on a curve.” “‘ Overtaking on the curve ‘, nine out of ten rollovers, and the guy in front won’t let you pass. You’re behind on the flat ahead, you can overtake on the corner? The odds are low, so don’t get paranoid. We should compete on different roads.” Ma suggested.

Jack Ma believes that it is because of the competition in different channels that the Development of the Internet in China today can be achieved. Ma said China’s IT infrastructure was so bad that the phones in China were so bad. Traditional phones were so bad that the mobile Internet took off. China’s traditional IT infrastructure is so poor that access to the Internet and big data is possible. China’s original commercial retail environment is too poor, just have e-commerce. China’s previous financial system was too bad to have Internet finance, “so, ‘bad’ has opportunities, the key is how you look for opportunities in the ‘bad’ process.”

In his speech, Ma suggested that scientists in enterprises should be given academician status, which would be helpful for the development of Chinese science and technology. “I never thought of myself as an academician.” Ma laughed.

Jack Ma believes that the development prospects of machine intelligence and artificial intelligence are based on massive data and China’s unique national advantages. “There is no so-called information monopoly or data monopoly in China. In the information age, ONLY when I have what you don’t have can I do well and do very well.”

Giiso information, founded in 2013, is the first domestic high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of intelligent information processing technology and the development and operation of core software for writing robots. At the beginning of its establishment, the company received angel round investment, and in August 2015, GSR Venture Capital received $5 million pre-A round of investment.

Ma further said that in recent years, some people have suggested that China should guard against data monopoly, “data monopoly, that is too naive. The data today, compared to the Internet of Things, compared to the data 10 years from now, is nothing.” Jack Ma believes that the era of data has just begun, and the spare parts have not arrived. “China has the opportunity to blaze a unique path.”

Ma said that he especially does not like to see many of today’s science and technology personnel, especially those who mainly write papers (some remarks), “The United States does not do anything, so we must do something”, “our (technology) fill the gap in some aspects of China”. Why fill the void? Fill the void of the future. The comparison between China and the US does not make much sense. We need to set standards for the future, not for magazines to set standards, and not because there’s something in America that we have to have.” Mr Ma said.

Ma suggested that spending more time with customers and the future is more important than spending more time with competitors.

Ma also poked fun at Baidu chairman Robin Li during his speech.

“Robin Li said just now that we quarreled because of our different views [at the Big Data Summit in Guiyang], and Pony Ma came out to fight. I had no idea where Pony Ma and Robin Li were. I don’t know what Robin Li said, and I don’t know what Pony Ma said.” Mr. Ma said.

On the same day, Baidu Inc Chairman Robin Li revealed at the World Intelligence Congress that he and Ma were at a parallel forum at the Big Data Summit last month. “I felt the pressure was particularly big, everyone to listen to Ma Yun not listen to me how to do, but later, MY that is also quite full.” Li Yan Hong laughs.

Ma Yun believes that we should focus on international competition and the future. “In the future competition, if we compare it to a 10,000-meter run, everyone will run for about 10 meters. Don’t look at the person beside you as your competitor, but only after running for 3,000 meters will you know who your competitor is. We should look at where Google has gone, where IBM has gone. We should look at the world. What we should look at most is what problems exist in the future, customers and our children, and we will solve them.”

Ma went on to say that any confrontation between China and the US is meaningless. It would make sense for China and the US [tech companies] to work together to solve problems. If you join forces with Facebook and Google to solve a human problem, that’s what our world should be advocating.

“He has it, I must have it, I must dry it out. That time has passed.” Mr Ma said.