
This article focuses on LeaderLatch for co-curator recipes

The instance

    public void testCuratorLeaderLatch() throws Exception {
        CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient("localhost:2181", new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3));

        String leaderLockPath = "/leader-lock2";

        List<LeaderLatch> latchList = IntStream.rangeClosed(1,10)
                .mapToObj(i -> new LeaderLatch(client,leaderLockPath,"client"+i)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); latchList.parallelStream() .forEach(latch -> { try { latch.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); Iterator<LeaderLatch> iterator = latchList.iterator();while (iterator.hasNext()){
            LeaderLatch latch =;
                System.out.println(latch.getId() + " hasLeadership");
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

                .filter(latch -> latch.hasLeadership())
                .forEach(latch -> System.out.println(latch.getId() + " hasLeadership")); Participant participant = latchList.get(0).getLeader(); System.out.println(participant); TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(15); .forEach(latch -> { try { latch.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}); client.close(); }Copy the code
  • ZkCli query
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 17] ls /
[leader-lock1, leader-lock2, zookeeper, leader-lock]
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 18] ls /leader-lock2
[_c_4e86edb9-075f-4e18-a00c-cbf4fbf11b23-latch-0000000048, _c_b53efe1b-39ba-48df-8edb-905ddcccf5c9-latch-0000000042, _c_5ea234cc-8350-47ef-beda-8795694b62f6-latch-0000000045, _c_5f3330d9-384c-4abf-8f3e-21623213a374-latch-0000000044, _c_3fdec032-b8a4-44b9-9a9f-20285553a23e-latch-0000000049, _c_97a53125-0ab1-48ea-85cc-cdba631ce20f-latch-0000000047, _c_2bb56be2-ba17-485e-bbd3-10aa1d6af57c-latch-0000000043, _c_93fb732d-541b-48c6-aca7-dd2cd9b6f93e-latch-0000000041, _c_e09f0307-344c-4041-ab71-d68e10a48d02-latch-0000000046, _c_754a4f90-b03c-4803-915b-0654ad35ec9f-latch-0000000040]
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Curator – recipes – 4.0.1 – sources jar! /org/apache/curator/framework/recipes/leader/

     * Add this instance to the leadership election and attempt to acquire leadership.
     * @throws Exception errors
    public void start() throws Exception
        Preconditions.checkState(state.compareAndSet(State.LATENT, State.STARTED), "Cannot be started more than once");

        startTask.set(AfterConnectionEstablished.execute(client, new Runnable()
            public void run() { try { internalStart(); } finally { startTask.set(null); }}})); } private synchronized voidinternalStart()
        if ( state.get() == State.STARTED )
            catch ( Exception e )
                log.error("An error occurred checking resetting leadership.", e);

    void reset() throws Exception

        BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback()
            public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception
                if( debugResetWaitLatch ! = null ) { debugResetWaitLatch.await(); debugResetWaitLatch = null; }if ( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() )
                    if ( state.get() == State.CLOSED )
                    else{ getChildren(); }}else
                    log.error("getChildren() failed. rc = "+ event.getResultCode()); }}}; client.create().creatingParentContainersIfNeeded().withProtection().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL).inBackgrou nd(callback).forPath(ZKPaths.makePath(latchPath, LOCK_NAME), LeaderSelector.getIdBytes(id)); }Copy the code
  • Here, the start method indicates participation in the election, and the reset method creates child nodes through forPath
  • Where zkpaths.makePath (latchPath, LOCK_NAME) returns /latchPath/latch-
  • There is a callback that does the getChildren processing


Curator – framework – 4.0.1 – sources jar! /org/apache/curator/framework/imps/

    static final String PROTECTED_PREFIX = "_c_";

    public String forPath(final String givenPath, byte[] data) throws Exception
        if ( compress )
            data = client.getCompressionProvider().compress(givenPath, data);

        final String adjustedPath = adjustPath(client.fixForNamespace(givenPath, createMode.isSequential()));
        List<ACL> aclList = acling.getAclList(adjustedPath);
        client.getSchemaSet().getSchema(givenPath).validateCreate(createMode, givenPath, data, aclList);

        String returnPath = null;
        if ( backgrounding.inBackground() )
            pathInBackground(adjustedPath, data, givenPath);
            String path = protectedPathInForeground(adjustedPath, data, aclList);
            returnPath = client.unfixForNamespace(path);
        return returnPath;

    String adjustPath(String path) throws Exception
        if ( doProtected )
            ZKPaths.PathAndNode pathAndNode = ZKPaths.getPathAndNode(path);
            String name = getProtectedPrefix(protectedId) + pathAndNode.getNode();
            path = ZKPaths.makePath(pathAndNode.getPath(), name);
        return path;

    private static String getProtectedPrefix(String protectedId)
        return PROTECTED_PREFIX + protectedId + "-";
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  • If a namespace was not specified when CuratorFramework was created, client.fixForNamespace returns the original value
  • AdjustPath (adjustPath) for doProtected things like adjustPath (adjustPath)UUIDFor example, the original latch- is changed to _C_a749FD26-B739-4510-9E1B-D2974F6DD1D1-latch –
  • Then, since it is EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL, the serial numbers are finally added, such as /leader-lock2/ _C_a749FD26-b739-4510-9e1B-D2974F6DD1D1-LATch-0000000045, The value of the node is the ID specified by the LeaderLatch


Curator – recipes – 4.0.1 – sources jar! /org/apache/curator/framework/recipes/leader/

    private void getChildren() throws Exception
        BackgroundCallback callback = new BackgroundCallback()
            public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception
                if( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() ) { checkLeadership(event.getChildren()); }}}; client.getChildren().inBackground(callback).forPath(ZKPaths.makePath(latchPath, null)); } private void checkLeadership(List<String> children) throws Exception { final StringlocalOurPath = ourPath.get();
        List<String> sortedChildren = LockInternals.getSortedChildren(LOCK_NAME, sorter, children);
        int ourIndex = (localOurPath ! = null) ? sortedChildren.indexOf(ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(localOurPath)) : -1;
        if ( ourIndex < 0 )
            log.error("Can't find our node. Resetting. Index: " + ourIndex);
        else if ( ourIndex == 0 )
            String watchPath = sortedChildren.get(ourIndex - 1);
            Watcher watcher = new Watcher()
                public void process(WatchedEvent event)
                    if ( (state.get() == State.STARTED) && (event.getType() == Event.EventType.NodeDeleted) && (localOurPath ! = null) ) { try { getChildren(); } catch ( Exception ex ) { ThreadUtils.checkInterrupted(ex); log.error("An error occurred checking the leadership.", ex); }}}}; BackgroundCallback callback = newBackgroundCallback()
                public void processResult(CuratorFramework client, CuratorEvent event) throws Exception
                    if( event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.NONODE.intValue() ) { // previous node is gone - reset reset(); }}}; // use getData() instead of exists() to avoid leaving unneeded watcherswhich is a typeof resource leak client.getData().usingWatcher(watcher).inBackground(callback).forPath(ZKPaths.makePath(latchPath, watchPath)); }}Copy the code
  • The checkLeadership method is called here, which marks leader for index 0 and adds Watch for index greater than 0. The path of watch is the previous node. If the previous node is deleted, the getChildren method will be triggered again
  • A callback is also registered, which retriggers the reset operation if the previous node is deleted


Curator – recipes – 4.0.1 – sources jar! /org/apache/curator/framework/recipes/leader/

     * Remove this instance from the leadership election. If this instance is the leader, leadership
     * is released. IMPORTANT: the only way to release leadership is by calling close(). All LeaderLatch
     * instances must eventually be closed.
     * @throws IOException errors
    public void close() throws IOException

     * Remove this instance from the leadership election. If this instance is the leader, leadership
     * is released. IMPORTANT: the only way to release leadership is by calling close(). All LeaderLatch
     * instances must eventually be closed.
     * @param closeMode allows the default close mode to be overridden at the time the latch is closed.
     * @throws IOException errors
    public synchronized void close(CloseMode closeMode) throws IOException
        Preconditions.checkState(state.compareAndSet(State.STARTED, State.CLOSED), "Already closed or has not been started");
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(closeMode, "closeMode cannot be null");


        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new IOException(e);

            switch ( closeMode )
            case NOTIFY_LEADER:


    private synchronized void setLeadership(boolean newValue)
        boolean oldValue = hasLeadership.getAndSet(newValue);

        if( oldValue && ! newValue ) { // Lost leadership, wastrue, now false
            listeners.forEach(new Function<LeaderLatchListener, Void>()
                    public Void apply(LeaderLatchListener listener)
                        returnnull; }}); }else if ( !oldValue && newValue )
        { // Gained leadership, was false, now true
            listeners.forEach(new Function<LeaderLatchListener, Void>()
                    public Void apply(LeaderLatchListener input)
                        returnnull; }}); } notifyAll(); }Copy the code
  • The close method is used to remove the LeaderLatch from the election, or if the Latch is the Leader, the Leadership needs to be released
  • The close method cancels StartTask, sets the node value to NULL, removes watcher and ConnectionStateListener, sets Leadership to false, and triggers the associated listener
  • Note that if closeMode is NOTIFY_LEADER, set leadership to false and then remove the listener. Otherwise, remove the listener and set it to false
  • SetLeadership calls listener.notleader () or input.isleader () based on the old and new values


Curator – recipes – 4.0.1 – sources jar! /org/apache/curator/framework/recipes/leader/

    private final ConnectionStateListener listener = new ConnectionStateListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(CuratorFramework client, ConnectionState newState) { handleStateChange(newState); }}; private void handleStateChange(ConnectionState newState) { switch ( newState ) { default: { // NOPbreak;

            case RECONNECTED:
                    if( client.getConnectionStateErrorPolicy().isErrorState(ConnectionState.SUSPENDED) || ! hasLeadership.get() ) { reset(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { ThreadUtils.checkInterrupted(e); log.error("Could not reset leader latch", e);

            case SUSPENDED:
                if ( client.getConnectionStateErrorPolicy().isErrorState(ConnectionState.SUSPENDED) )

            case LOST:
                break; }}}Copy the code
  • LeaderLatch has registered a custom ConnectionStateListener for RECONNECTED, SUSPENDED, and LOST events
  • When setLeadership(false) is used, the listener is notified of the new value and the new value. If the leader is used, the listener.notleader () callback is used.
  • For the RECONNECTED state, if the Latch is not currently the leader, the reset process is invoked to re-register the node


  • LeaderLatch of Curator Recipes gives us a convenient method for leader election and provides a LeaderLatchListener for custom processing
  • The LeaderLatch uses the ‘EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL’ of ZK. The node name is automatically numbered. The default LOCK_NAME is latch-, and for protected, PROTECTED_PREFIX(_c_) and protectedId (UUID), the final node name is in the format of PROTECTED_PREFIX+UUID+LOCK_NAME+ number, similar to _C_a749FD26-b739-4510-9e1B-D2974F6DD1D1-latch-0000000045
  • The LeaderLatch uses ConnectionStateListener to process the change of its own node. The node whose index is 0 is the leader. For the node that is not the leader, watcher is added to the previous node to process the deletion of the previous node. Trigger the checkLeadership operation and re-check whether its index is in the first place among children. If so, update it to leader and trigger the corresponding operation. If not, re-watch the node in front of it. The implementation of such a link is very subtle.


  • Leader Latch
  • Simple example of Apache Curator Leader election
  • A detailed explanation of two distributed Leader election strategies based on Apache Curator framework