Is it hard to write an Android App? Not hard for an experienced Android developer. But if you want to achieve a super App, with dynamic expansion of the architecture design, and even in the App to start the small program, in other words, is to “copy” an App with alipay ability, is it difficult? It’s more than hard. It’s a lot harder!

At the Kotlin Online technology Salon hosted by JetBrains in collaboration with Ant Group, Wen Shengzhang, senior wireless development engineer at Alipay, was invited to share how to use Kotlin to incorporate mPaaS capabilities into your App.

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MPaaS is a cloud-to-end one-stop solution provided by Ant Group for App development, testing, operation, operation and maintenance. It can effectively reduce the technical threshold, reduce research and development costs, improve development efficiency, and help enterprises quickly build stable and high-quality mobile applications. In this sharing, Wen Shengzhang will write the code with Kotlin, and demonstrate how to start the small program in his own App.

After listening to this sharing, you can not only learn how to quickly access mPaaS with the App developed by Kotlin, at the same time, we will take you to understand how mPaaS small program can help you achieve “code only need to write once, can be multiple delivery”, so as to deeply improve the efficiency of research and development.

The webinar will be held at 15:00 on 8/14 (V). The presentation will be live and recorded in the Zoom Conference room. After the completion of the webinar, it will be uploaded to site B for playback.

👉 click to sign up now

The guest is introduced

Wen Shengzhang — Senior wireless development engineer @ Alipay

I am responsible for the compilation and construction of Alipay Android side tool chain, and also the developer of mPaaS development tool chain. At present, I focus on Gradle, IntelliJ IDEA plug-ins, and Android system architecture, etc.



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