Swoft  framework

Swoole native coroutine – a new-age PHP full-stack coroutine framework

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The framework characteristics

Swoft framework is the first full-stack framework for high-performance PHP based on Swoole native coroutines in the new era. It has built-in coroutine network server and commonly used coroutine client, resident in memory, and does not rely on traditional PHP-FPM

Full asynchronous non-blocking IO implementation, similar to synchronous client writing method to achieve the use of asynchronous client, no complex asynchronous callback, no tedious yield, similar to Go language coroutine, flexible annotations

Powerful global dependency injection container, perfect service governance, flexible and powerful AOP, standard PSR specification implementation, etc

AOP aspect oriented programming implementation principle

The underlying AOP framework is implemented through dynamic proxy emulation. Proxies are a common design pattern whose purpose is to provide one for other objects

The proxy class is responsible for preprocessing messages for the delegate class, filtering and forwarding messages, and performing operations

Subsequent processing of the message after execution by the delegate class.

 * @Aspect()
 * @PointBean({Bean::class})
class BeanAspect
    public function around()
}Copy the code