The back-end code of a site is “open source”, and at the same time all over the web, as well as those magic comments in the code.

We know that programmers are all jokes; Over the years, we have also gone through their numerous routines……

First of all, product manager, is forever forever ridicule endless! Commenters also wrote that reading the code was like reading a programmer’s diary, with every page filled with hate for the product manager.

Then, ask a question that goes straight to the soul: Are you a valued paying member?

This can not help but remind people of a music app before the poor force Vip, sure enough, poor force everywhere will be marked.

Actually, there are many ways to comment code. After all, it’s you programmers who play best.

1. Kill a product manager

Probably the whole world of programmers, are quietly hidden in the code into their own products raised that big knife, and an inattentive, the tip of the knife exposed……

Sha pen is the product, not me

What do you want? I have no choice

Xin Lin is the product manager, Li Chao is the designer

The pan belongs to the product, not to me

2. The appeal is in the notes

Come out to work, isn’t it to make money? Accidentally, the real thoughts are revealed in the notes.

I have to say, the programmers on this site, they really know how to mess things up.

** “A lot of money, a lot of money, a lot of money, a lot of money, a lot of money, a lot of money, a lot of money, a lot of money.” This modest vision was also written by Sergey Brin as a student in the notes of his CV code. Originally, everyone’s career pursuit, are similar. He later became a co-founder of Google.

Accidentally, he told the truth

Leaders and bosses have unspeakable agendas, but are you too honest programmers? !

The boss’s scheming has been exposed by you.

/* The boss said that the multithreading should not be opened until the customer needs optimization /

Of course, colleagues are not so reliable.

Shout words across the air, “friendly” play

In code comments, programmers can also communicate with each other in a friendly way through comments.

The following two lines, for example, are shouts spanning two years.

However, accidentally, the painting style may change, can not help Diss once.

// someDev1-6/7/02 add a temporary trace to the login screen // somedev2-5/22/07 temporary fart

Apes, to learn English well

There are also some notes, including the older programmer’s earnest: to learn English ah! Otherwise it would be funny.

Lanxiang graduation does not matter, it is important that the abbreviation should not be written arbitrarily:

Otherwise there will be serious consequences:

  • Stop using anal as a variable name
  • You want to use the acronym anal for analyze, but anal means “anus.”
  • I see the word anal everywhere!
  • Please don’t do that again!
  • You should use analyze, or XBVVZR, or anything else. Just don’t write anal_insert or anal_check
  • Insert b check C insert D check

6, Hi Tieaster eggs, recruitment know about

If you have a discerning eye, you might be able to spot the job ads hidden in the Console. Maybe you’ll be on the cusp of a promotion and a raise

7. Warm reminder of departing employees

Still, be careful about jumping ship. The most conscientious annotation in history, encounter such pit, hurriedly withdraw bar.

My code is like a poem

Finally, writing code is like writing a poem, like singing a song.

Write comments like this, the code is bug free!

But then again, you write code, and you write comments?

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Course outline

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  • Chat System
  • Google three carriages
  • Crawler system and search suggestion system

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