Background Due to wechat’s relatively strict restrictions, the domain name was accidentally judged to be induced sharing. Therefore, the company decided to investigate a set of stable, fast, high accuracy of wechat domain name interception detection query interface. In the process of promotion in wechat, due to the strict restrictions of wechat, we often find that the domain name can not be accessed by wechat. After this problem occurs, our business will often be greatly affected. The purpose of using wechat domain name detection interface is to facilitate the detection of their own domain name status and timely obtain whether it is blocked by wechat.

Resource address; Customer service mkapi01

Principles Wireshark is used to capture packets and obtain the domain name interception and query interface of wechat. A domain name has the following states: Domain name can be normal access (not blocked by WeChat) domain was WeChat intercept Non WeChat official web page, continue to access will be converted to mobile phone preview mode (in the public background to add a domain name to the business domain in general to solve the problem) according to the customer complaint and tencent security site safety testing center, the web page contains malicious fraud, to maintaining green Internet environment, I have stopped visiting the webpage, which contains contents of inducing behaviors such as sharing and following, and many people have complained. In order to maintain a green Internet environment,

‘appKey’ =>’ appKey ‘,// The appkey’ URL ‘you applied for =>’’,// the website you need to query); params); url, result = json_decode(result) { var_dump($result); }else {// request exception} /**

  • Request the interface to return content
  • @param string $url [requested URL]
  • @param string $params [request parameter]
  • @param int $ipost
  • @return string */ function Curl(params = false, httpInfo = array(); $ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt(ispost) { curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ch, CURLOPT_URL, params) { curl_setopt(url.’? ‘.ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); }}

ch); if (ch); return false; }

ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); httpInfo, curl_getinfo(ch); return $response; }