EasyCVR is constantly developing access protocols and platforms. At present, we are doing docking tests on Huawei IVS platform. Because there are many interfaces, we will pick a few important interfaces to introduce to you later. This article describes the interface for querying the list of shared directory information.

Method definition:

//cpp code
IVS_INT32 IVS_SDK_GetShareCatalogList (
  IVS_INT32 iSessionID,
  const IVS_CHAR* pExDomainCode, 
  const IVS_INDEX_RANGE* pIndexRange,
  IVS_UINT32 bDirect,
  IVS_CHAR** pRspXml);
Copy the code

Parameter Description:

Table 1 Response XML to query directory share information:


//cpp code IVS_INT32 iRet = IVS_FAIL; iRet = IVS_SDK_Init(); if (IVS_SUCCEED ! = iRet) { return 0; } IVS_LOGIN_INFO LoginReqInfo = {0}; LoginReqInfo.stIP.uiIPType = IP_V4; Strncpy (LoginReqInfo. StIP. CIP, ", IVS_IP_LEN); LoginReqInfo.uiPort = 9900; strncpy(LoginReqInfo.cUserName, "Admin", IVS_NAME_LEN); strncpy(LoginReqInfo.pPWD, "super123", IVS_PWD_LEN); iRet = IVS_SDK_Login(&LoginReqInfo, &iSessionID); if (IVS_SUCCEED == iRet) { const IVS_CHAR* pExDomainCode = "33010000002000000002"; bDirect = 1; IVS_INDEX_RANGE IndexRange = {0}; IndexRange.uiFromIndex= 1; IndexRange.uiToIndex= 1024; IVS_CHAR* pRspXml = NULL; iRet = IVS_SDK_GetShareCatalogList(iSessionID, pExDomainCode, &IndexRange, bDirect, &pRspXml); If (IVS_SUCCEED == iRet) {// Succeed if (NULL! = pRspXml) { IVS_SDK_ReleaseBuffer(pRspXml); pRspXml = NULL; }}}Copy the code