Preface: sometimes we need to rename a lot of files, one by one is not ideal, so use. Bat is the best!



Press Win+R to enter notepad — popup new text document! Copy the code below and paste it into your text document!

@echo off setLocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Enable system delay set /a b=0 dir /b/od :: Displays all file names in the current folder in chronological order "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b/od *.*') do ( if not "%%f"=="%~nx0" ( set /a b+=1 ren "%%f" "! b! %%~xf" echo. ! b! %%~xf ) ) pauseCopy the code

Press Ctrl+S (Save) 1. Find the folder with the same sequence name; 2. Name the file name: Batch Number Rename.bat

As shown in figure:

Save and open the folder to see this! (Be sure to place the file under the one that needs to be serialized!)

Double-click to run the (batch number renaming. Bat) file! Out of the window, click any key to serialize the program! As shown in figure:

Open folder to view:

At this point! Rename successful!

Basic use of shortcuts, create files! Fail to understand or fail! You can see the tutorial step by step!

Write at the end: If necessary, you can add ac group communication (631689215).