I’ve been sharing a lot of templates lately, but I haven’t shown you how to build a dashboard from 0-1.

Today, I will explain in detail from the two perspectives of “dashboard design” and “dashboard beautification”, how we should use FineBI self-help data analysis tool to make a beautiful and practical dashboard that can let people understand important information at a glance.

Start with a dry guide to the article, and then we’ll expand on it.

First, the design of instrument panel

1. Determine the object orientation of the dashboard

Before making a dashboard, first determine who the audience is for the dashboard, and then put yourself in their shoes to understand their real needs.

For example, the dashboard is made for the boss to see. The appeal of such users to the large screen can be understood as: understand the core business data of the company in one picture. For example, it is almost the end of the year, and the leader needs to know the annual sales achievement of each branch, so it needs to focus on analyzing the gap between the target sales and historical sales in the same period.

Another example is that we have some sales data, and we want to mine more valuable information based on the existing data, such as what factors affect sales recently — stores, promotions, supply chains, etc.

In short, understanding their needs in depth and creating a dashboard that matches their cognitive level is the starting point of a good dashboard.

2. Determine the dashboard theme

Typically, we render the theme of the dashboard based on the department of the viewer. However, the analysis of a department is often diverse, in this case, it is recommended to display according to the overview – segmentation layout.

For example: it is necessary to analyze the operating status of a pharmaceutical industry in 2020. At this time, the total score is used to display the total points from “key indicators” to “sales revenue, gross margin and cost”.

3. Choose the right chart

After determining the dashboard theme, we need to select the appropriate chart for the dashboard. Lao Li divided the commonly used charts into 4 categories, we can choose the right chart according to their actual needs.

Three points in particular need to be noted:

① Careful use of pie charts: Pie charts can show the proportion of each category to the whole. However, the number of categories should not be too many. If the number exceeds 7, it will be difficult for users to read data when viewing.

** It is used to display numerical comparisons between categories. Numerical indicators can be percentages, values, frequencies, etc. A line chart is more appropriate, although it is possible to represent the time change of a field.

**③ Line chart/area chart selection: ** Line chart and area chart can represent the relationship between quantity and time, but it should be noted that area chart can also represent the relationship between part and the whole when it represents the change of time.

4. Add text labels

Naming dashboards properly, adding descriptions to views, and adding graphic labels to pages can help viewers quickly access information.

Two, the beautification of large screen

1, typography,

The principle of typesetting is to align and order. People tend to browse from left to right and top to bottom, so it’s best to place important content on the left and top of the dashboard; Adjacent related content; You can use white, background color for data segmentation.


If the text is too small or too fine, or the difference between the text color and the background color is too small, it will affect the reading and viewing, need to pay attention to.

3, coloring

If we are doing custom color matching, we need to avoid some clashing colors.

For example, the yellow + white, blue + black, red + blue, yellow + purple and other colors are matched, which is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also easy to stimulate the user’s eyes. See color and Color Matching basics for details.

But whether we use cool or warm colors, we need to be careful to use less bright colors.

4, icon

ICONS can serve as reminders for users looking at the dashboard, but be careful not to distract them.

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