1. Engineering

  • Build tools
    1. Webpack basis
      • Based on using
      • Practical experience
      • Performance optimization
    2. Webpack principle
      • Packaging mechanism
      • Plug-in mechanism
      • HMR principle
      • tree-shaking
  • The deployment of
  • Continuous integration

2. node

  • npm
  • cluster
  • pm2
  • The message queue
  • rpc
  • ssr
  • cpu
  • practice

3. The framework

  • vue

To be added

  • react

To be added

4. Performance optimization

  • Performance analysis
  • Indicators to monitor
  • practice

5. Project

  • Common code snippets
  • Fault tolerance and disaster recovery
  • Development skills
  • Unit testing, automated testing

6. Computer network and security

  • http/https
  • HTTP cache
  • security
  • http1/2/3

7. Principles of browsers

  • Input to the rendering process

8. Handwritten principle series

  • Promise
  • settimeout

9. Other abilities

  • Scaffolding making
  • The proxy tool
  • Aggregation/NPM release
  • serverless
  • Micro front-end

10. CSS Common styles

11. Js