In recent years, the growing of the Internet there for all to see, in addition to the surface of the public benefit, the programmer is played, although the foreign computer language is still belongs to the identity of the leader, who is called the “global village”, domestic related industries moment didn’t fall, relative to other technical worker pay pay, A programmer or something like that is also a good pay category (first of all, you are a technical ape). Salaries for Java, C/C++, and now Python are all 10K, with young Pythons making a new high of over 20K.

What is Python? Guido Van Rossum is an object-oriented, literal computer programming language invented by Guido van Rossum in late 1989. The first public release came in 1991. Python syntax is simple and clear, and it has a rich and powerful class library. Python is a language that stands for the idea of simplicity. Reading a good Python program feels like reading English. It allows you to focus on solving problems rather than figuring out the language itself. Without worrying about low-level details like how to manage the memory your program uses, a program written in a compiled language like C or C++ can be converted from a source file (C or C++) to a language your computer uses (binary code, 0 and 1). This process is done using the compiler and various tags and options. In addition, it has the ability to embed Python into C/C++ programs to provide scripting functionality to program users.

There is no perfect computer language yet, but Python’s popularity in recent years has only given it an advantage over its peers:

Easy to learn, perfect for beginners, and especially suitable for experts

2 High scalability, suitable for large projects or small one-time programs (called scripts)

3 Portable, cross-platform

4 Embeddable (make ArcGIS scriptable)

5 Stable maturity

6 Large user community

Python has extended into ArcGIS as a language for data analysis, data transformation, data management, and map automation, thus helping to increase productivity.

As a result, the Python market in China is booming, and there is a shortage of such talent to recruit and absorb. First, let’s look at the market demand. According to the statistics of major recruitment websites, the average monthly recruitment demand is 12,331, among which October is the peak recruitment season with the highest demand of 20,600 people.

The regional distribution of these recruitment demands is still first-tier developed cities, dominated by Beijing and Shanghai, followed by Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Guangzhou.

The supply and demand of the market is not too much to say, for less than demand, natural “a thousand dollars to buy horse bone” phenomenon, heavy recruitment, and even paid training new staff, and the salary is also very considerable.

Across the country, salaries for Python jobs are mostly between 20K and 30K, accounting for 40% of the total. For experience requirements, most of them are 3-5 years, accounting for 71%; The degree requirement for Python engineers is actually a bachelor’s degree (76%), compared to the much-feared graduate degree in artificial intelligence.

Meanwhile, this is also a seniority position. Similarly, the salary of Python is calculated according to working experience, among which, the salary of 0-2 years is 15060 YUAN, the salary of fresh graduates is 9210 yuan, and the salary of 3-5 years is 24220+ Yuan.

These numbers are also enough to be the envy of other industries and the envy of talent in other fields.

Obviously, Python is an interesting industry and a potential source of salary increases,

Similarly, students need a teacher, an engineer who has worked in the same industry for many years, to teach them Python in a more systematic and efficient way.

· Student/White: If you are self-disciplined and motivated, and want to learn to make a difference, Python will give you a high-paying life!

· Necessary for career change: Master Python development skills in spare time to easily realize career change.

· Determined to be a full-stack engineer: determined to be a versatile talent, one person to handle the front and back end!

· Network operation and maintenance Transformation development: If you are engaged in traditional network operation and maintenance work and want to make a transformation, you should learn Python.

· Prepare to enter the FIELD of AI: Python is the preferred development language for ARTIFICIAL intelligence. To seize the future, you must learn Python to become an AI talent

In the field of computer language, Python has threatened the dominance of Java, C/C++ for many years. Python itself is simple and easy to use, and there is a shortage of relevant talents, and the employment salary is good, so IT is popular in all of them. In such a fierce environment of IT electronics industry, the last winner is the winner. But the future of Python is clear on current trends.