There is no app that can’t crash, including wechat

There is no code that doesn’t crash even if it runs for thousands of years

As long as there is a programmer who can see crash

This week was spent in different crash log analysis. Random crashes of different programs appeared in the company’s four projects in turn. And there are a lot of paranormal events, even seeing the phenomenon programmer ape (! _! ME) also hard to believe this is true (want to escape). When the naked phenomenon appears again and again, it leads directly to sweaty palms and mental disorders (fatal humiliation for me after 10 years of development). He took out his axe and began gnawing at the extraterrestrial visitor.

In consideration of length and reading habits, skip the following:

  1. This section describes how to collect crash files.
  2. Description of contents in the crash file.
  3. Description of the type of crash in the crash file.
  4. Sources and functions of DSYM files.
  5. Manual resolution of crash addresses in crash.
  6. And so on can be baidu content.

Document how to graphically restore the crash address in one step to readable code.

First, Xcode reduction method

The easiest way is to submit your app to the App Store using Xcode and check upload DSYM. As shown in figure

2. Friendly alliance reduction method

1. View crashes

The function of Using Umeng statistics also includes the collection of crash, and crash logs will be uploaded immediately after the app restarts, with good timeliness.

2. View the DSYM file

To upload the DSYM corresponding to the crash file, check the UUID corresponding to the crash log

App Store Connect

3. Upload the DSYM file

Go to umENG iOS project, select “Application Settings”, select “Symbol table Management” on the left, and then click “Upload Symbol table File”.

4. View the crash call stack for symbols

I’ve done the parsing perfectly. If you find the right dSYM file, otherwise SO SO SO


SYM tool restoration method

DSYM’s resolution tool SYM is recommended. This method is very useful for parsing crash files from devices.

1. The device obtains the crash file

After connecting the device to the computer, open Xcode and select Devices and Simulators under Window

2. Search a UUID

Search for “Binary Images” in the crash log and you’ll see the app name next to the UUID.

3. The SYM analysis

After opening SYM app, (1) copy the crash log to the content. (2) Select the dSYM file corresponding to the UUID. (3) Click the Execute button.

Look at the red one and the parsing is done, and it’s correct. GOOD.


Maybe you didn’t understand it, but please read it again. If you still don’t know crash, it’s ok to baidu again. Maybe you’d recommend “DSYMTools”, which I’ve been using for 5 years, and it works fine. It’s just that the latest analysis is not accurate. So I suggest you try the method I introduced. In addition, please be careful when using third-party libraries.


Android can also resolve the crash address on Umeng by uploading the Mapping file.

// END 2018-11-30