All those MAO grandpa you passed by all these years

While few programmers have girlfriends, they often cost a fortune. VPS, domain names, a bunch of fee-paying apps on the Mac, and all those devices Apple updates every year, are often the rhythm of a kidney shortage.

Fortunately, as programmers, we have more ways to make money.

Some classmates should shout: not be to do private sheet.

Yes, but not quite. It is indeed a simple and direct way to do private orders, but in my opinion, the input-output ratio of private orders is poor and not optimal.

But now that I mention it, let me start.

Private single

The most ideal list is still directly connected to overseas projects, such as [1]. On the one hand, it is cheaper to earn $us. Before, I saw a project like writing payment for WordPress + sending registration code, which can be done in a weekend, can also cost $200~ $300. On the other hand, the list is more hidden in foreign countries.

The prices on [2] in China are also very good, but I strongly recommend that you do not disclose your real name and real company department information in the introduction, because it is too high profile. Some students said, this is my weekend time, I love how to use how to use, the company can accuse me how?

Although part-time work is not prohibited by many companies’ employment contracts, such a high profile private job online is a provocation to HR: “I’m not working enough”, “the company is not working enough overtime”…

Now imagine telling your product manager that you can’t do it all, but you have time to do it yourself. You wouldn’t promote someone like that if you were your own boss.

Of course, pig eight quit this station I don’t say much, not quite suitable for professional programmers to depreciate.

Side Project

It is more cost-effective to do a Side Project than a private one.

The great thing about Side projects is that you can generate revenue over a long period of time with only a sustained investment in a specific area. This allows your knowledge to branch and grow on a tree, forming a good knowledge structure rather than becoming a bottle of outsourced snake oil.

There are two ideas:

One is to be small and beautiful, develop a functional application for a niche and sell it in the market.

The other is to make big, basic apps (think WordPress) that others can just add code to and customize.

Some students would say, “My Side Project didn’t sell.” The selection of project direction is indeed quite skillful, but the simple and crude solution is to find a project that sells very well now, but the product and technology are not so good, and make a rival product at half the price.

Do consulting

Consulting is an easier way to make money if you have a reputation in the tech world, or if you have expertise in a particular business. A couple of hours in a coffee shop, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I know of three domestic products in this respect:

– Xing[3] : This is under the guoku, it is done earlier, the content is the whole industry, so the above technology is not much.

-Chuangpai… [4] : The light partnership column of Yuanchuangpai is mainly for entrepreneurs, suitable for technical experts who like to feel the entrepreneurial atmosphere.

– [5] : You can think of this as a programmer version of “line”, I have browned it, although the number of times of appointment is much lower than line, but it is quite professional, I hope they can be promoted as soon as possible.

Consulting is a real job, but it is completely different from private work. Consultation time is short, will not affect the normal rest, but will not affect work; And most companies encourage technical exchange, so everyone’s acceptance is very high.

In addition to websites and APPS, I think charging groups can also be done. Nowadays, there seem to be many places to communicate, but there are few places that can help you solve problems quickly. For example, we can set up a technology entrepreneurship group, which is open to students who want to start their own businesses, students who are starting their own businesses, students who are doing investment, students who are doing legal affairs, and each of them charges an annual fee of several hundred yuan. Then you’ll have someone to answer all the questions you have as you go along, and you won’t feel like you’re alone. What if there’s no problem, you ask? I’m so happy I don’t have a problem.

Write an article

Many students like to write technical blogs, but you can actually get paid to submit your articles to some websites.

InfoQ, for example, likes to receive in-depth technical articles of 3,000 to 4,000 words. The fee is 150 per thousand words. It’s not much, but it’s enough to buy an entry-level Cherry keyboard for a long article. What I like about InfoQ is that they are very relaxed about copyright requirements. You can post to your own blog after Posting to their website; And articles can be published as long as they are originally from InfoQ.

For more details, see here:… [6]

By the way, there’s actually less money to be made from publishing a book through a traditional distribution channel than writing an article. I used to get 8% in royalties, and the figure would be lower if I sold it online or elsewhere. I wrote an article about how to Publish a Small Book through the Internet[7]

The teaching video

With the advent of online education, it is possible to make money by recording educational videos. I personally prefer the designcode. IO [8] self-publishing model because it makes more money 😊.

Of course, with all the free videos out there, why buy your paid version?

In fact, most of these videos are really just teaching, which is very different from the problems that we encounter in the real world. It’s a bunch of dumbed down fake projects, designed to teach.

Here’s an idea I wanted to do.

After I decided to start an open source project, I used video software to record the entire process. OBS[9], an open source screen recording tool, records the screen of 1920*1080 in FLV format. It only needs 1G per hour, and a portable hard disk of T can record thousands of hours, which is enough for a medium-sized project.

When the project is finished, open source on GitHub for everyone to use first. After the iteration is stable, a series of tutorials and articles will be edited from the recorded videos and put on the website for charging courses.

This has several benefits:

  • Ensure that all problems encountered are real, not imaginary, and those who have learned this course can independently complete the whole project.
  • There is no deliberate recording process, so tutorials are a by-product of software development, with a higher input/output ratio.
  • If your software is really well written, people who have used your software can become clients or referrers for your tutorials. If your tutorials are good, the people who finish your tutorials will become customers or referrers for your software.

Internal and headhunter referrals

If you work for a top-tier Internet company like BAT, and if you have a bunch of like-minded programmer friends, you’ll probably run into colleagues and friends who want to change jobs every few months, so don’t miss out on earning referral fees.

Generally speaking, the company’s internal recommendation of the money will be less, I have seen the majority of 3000~6000. But because it is their own company, will be more reliable, so the risk is smaller. Regularly recommending talent to the company will also increase your favorability, so make it a priority.

Headhunters can charge much more for referrals than internal ones. If I recommend a programmer with an annual salary of 300,000 RMB to a headhunter, he can get a recommendation fee of 10,000 RMB after he is successfully employed. Some students may have access to a few channels for high recommendation fees, so I set up a wechat group, and students who are interested in making recommendations can scan codes to join.

Ten thousand yuan bonus recommended group

If the group is full, or the QR code has expired, you can add my wechat easyATwx, mark the twitter name, write your company and position (such as PHP programmer, front-end engineer), I will send you a group invitation.

Learning how to make money is very important. It gives you an understanding of how business works, helps you understand the company’s product logic, and gives you a solid foundation for a possible technology venture.

So I encourage you to earn your pocket money, and try all of them. They’ll be fun.

Since weibo cannot be modified, I will update this article to GitHub (… [10]), if you have better skills to earn pocket money, please send PR to me, I will select good ones to incorporate 🙂