These days, I was too busy to learn anything new. I was interviewing candidates, but I didn’t have enough time to make up for the lessons. So I reread the Spring source code. In my earliest days, I saw patterns like factory, delegate, policy, template, etc., and wanted to give up in a minute. Later, I was forced to sum up and slowly found a method.

Tell me about my experience. I found that although I had mastered some Spring Boot and Spring Cloud debugging skills, I still had to rely on the search engine to locate and resolve every problem. No amount of experience is enough for major version upgrades. Frankly speaking, I am still not familiar with the principles of the Spring Framework.

In fact, as the elder brother of The Spring technology ecosystem, the Spring Framework has many details to be explored in both design and implementation, such as:

  • Use of Java language features such as reflection, dynamic proxy, enumeration, generics, annotations, ARM, Lambda syntax, etc
  • Implementation of design ideas and patterns, such as OOP, IoC, DDD, TDD, GoF23, etc
  • Java API encapsulation and simplification, such as JDBC, Transaction, Servlet, JPA, JMS, Bean Validation, and so on
  • JSR (Java Specification Requests) Specification adaptation and implementation
  • Integration and ease of use of third-party frameworks, such as MyBatis, Hibernate, Redis, etc

Master these, to read the source code, play with Spring. The same is true for the interview. During the interview, I will not only inspect my mastery of Spring from the source code level, but also from the systematic knowledge structure and the design ideas behind it. Therefore, an in-depth grasp of the Spring Framework is an obstacle to enter a big factory and obtain a better career development.

Xiaobian side also through reading the source code organized a pure handwritten Spring source code analysis, I hope to give some friends a little help

If you need to get this pure hand-written spring source code parsing, forward the article and scan it

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Pure handwritten Spring source code parsing

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