This is a comprehensive video tutorial on machine learning, statistical learning, big data algorithms, deep learning, Python scientific computing, TensorFlow tutorials, convolutional Neural networks, text mining, NLP, and more. Since there are many videos, I hope you can find the tutorials you need. You are welcome to share with more friends, colleagues and classmates, and you can also share in moments, at the top of…. Later will also launch each series of learning articles and video tutorials. To obtain the complete version of the information in the public number back number “25”, you can view the way to obtain, remember to quickly obtain save oh!

Of course, this is just a primer, I hope you can use the existing resources to get promoted!

Dry goods list

1. Getting Started with Python (3.98g)

2. Machine Learning Techniques (National Taiwan University – Lin Xuen-tian) (1.2g)

3. Fundamentals of Machine Learning (1.1g)

4. Deep Learning (8.79g)

5. Machine Learning at Stanford University (1.76g)

6. Lone Star Project – Machine Learning (4.24g)

7. Hadoop-spark Enterprise Application (Recommended version)

8. Spss1-48, Applied Statistical Analysis, Xi ‘an Jiaotong University

9. Python scientific computation

Neural Network for Machine Learning

11. Python Tutorial (Ma Yongliang, Ma Ge)

Deep Learning (MSR- Deng Li)- Tianjin University

Machine Learning Research – Chinese Academy of Sciences -8 days course

14. Machine Learning courses — Lone Star Project

15. Machine Learning – Andrew Ng with English Subtitles

Big Data Algorithm _ Harbin Institute of Technology (Wang Hongzhi)

17. Learn Python with zero basics – Turtle

Practical computer skills for scientific research

19. Introduction to Computer Science Programming -MIT

20. Introduction to Algorithms -MIT(English subtitles)

21. Convolutional Neural Networks — Fei Fei Li

22. Very large data sets (360.25g)

23. TensorFlow Tutorial (8.35g)

24. Google Ai TensorFlow Course (479.5m)

25. Latest detailed Machine Learning Materials (95.4g)

26. Stanford NLP Tutorial (1.8g)

1. Getting Started with Python (3.98g)

2. Machine Learning Techniques (National Taiwan University – Lin Xuen-tian) (1.2g)

3. Fundamentals of Machine Learning (1.1g)

4. Deep Learning (8.79g)

5. Machine Learning at Stanford University (1.76g)

6. Lone Star Project – Machine Learning (4.24g)

7. Hadoop-spark Enterprise Application (Recommended version)

8. Spss1-48, Applied Statistical Analysis, Xi ‘an Jiaotong University

9.Python scientific computation

Neural Network for Machine Learning

11. The python tutorial

Deep Learning (MSR- Deng Li)- Tianjin University

Deep Learning (MSR- Deng Li)- Tianjin University

14. Machine Learning courses — Lone Star Project

15.Machine Learning – Andrew Ng with English Subtitles

Big Data Algorithm _ Harbin Institute of Technology (Wang Hongzhi)

17. Learn Python with zero basics – Turtle

Practical computer skills for scientific research

19. Introduction to Computer Science Programming -MIT

20. Introduction to Algorithms -MIT(English subtitles)

21. Convolutional Neural Networks — Fei Fei Li

22. Very large data sets (360.25g)

23. TensorFlow Tutorial (8.35g)

24. Google Ai TensorFlow Course (479.5m)

25. Latest detailed Machine Learning Materials (95.4g)

26. Stanford NLP Tutorial (1.8g)

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From beginning to research, the 10 most Readable books in the field of artificial intelligence

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Ten years ago on This day on Machine Learning Projects.

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