First, the market. Homogeneity, low price, low level of disorderly competition; Operators are being pipelined, intentionally or not, and end-to-end network capabilities are underutilized. The second is business. IDC has a single business structure, and its business growth is mainly driven by investment, lacking value-added services. The lack of host leasing services is not conducive to the evolution of business models and the expansion of new businesses. Third, resources. IDC has loose resource layout and lacks effective integration for new businesses. The average utilization rate of basic resources is low, and the construction cost and operation cost are high. Fourth, technology. Operators are faced with how to optimize the quality of communication between end users and information sources from the perspective of the whole network. How to optimize IDC architecture for cloud computing and other new businesses; How to introduce new technology, optimize IDC resources, reduce operating costs.