This is the third day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. See the link for details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021



Hi, I’m Zim, and today we’re going to talk about Jenkins installation and use

The installation of Jenkins

1. Environmental

Minimum configuration:

  • 256 MB memory. The recommended memory size is greater than 512 MB
  • 10 GB hard disk space

You need to install the following software:

  • Java8
  • docker

The experimental machine I used:

CPU: 2C Hard disk: 20 GB Memory: 4 GB

2. Install Java

Install Java with yum, as shown in the following figure:

3. Download Jenkins

The Jenkins. War package can be downloaded by clicking here

After downloading:

4. Install Jenkins

java -jar jenkins.war –httpPort=8080

Gitlab and Jenkins try to install on different servers

5. Access tests

Enter the IP address 8080 in the browserNeed to look at the administrator password: path: web site has a tip: / root /. Jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

[root@ecs-c13b ~]# cat .jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword 
Copy the code

Enter your password and continue

6. Install the plug-in

The official Jenkins plug-in needs to be downloaded from the default official website, which is very slow and often fails, so we will skip the plug-in installation first. So we choose plug-in, and then choose plug-in free mode installation.

7. Create an administrator account

Here is the default:

8. Completion of installation:


This article focuses on the Jenkins installation, and we did not select any plugins at the time of installation. We will discuss Jenkins usage in the next article.