DevOPS has gradually become the industry standard and has been accepted by more and more people. It is difficult to mention DevOPS without mentioning Docker. In this paper, Gitlab CI and Docker are used for CI/CD

DevOps (a portmanteal of Development and Operations) is a culture, movement, or practice that values communication and cooperation between “software developers” and “IT Operations technicians”. Build, test, and release software faster, more frequently, and more reliably by automating the software delivery and architecture change processes.

What you’ll learn:

  • Docker installation

  • Containerize Spring Boot

  • Gitlab installation

  • Gitlab CI setup

Docker installation

The following uses CentOS as an example. For other systems, see the official documents

Installing dependency packages


    $ sudo yum install -y yum-utils \

     device-mapper-persistent-data \


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Setting the Installation Source


    $ sudo yum-config-manager \

       --add-repo \

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Install the Docker – CE


    $ sudo yum install docker-ce

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Start docker-CE and test it


    $ sudo systemctl start docker

    $ sudo docker run hello-world

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Set accelerator

The first step for us to use Docker should be to obtain an official image, such as mysql and wordpress. Based on these basic images, we can develop our own personalized applications. We can use the Docker command line tool to download the official image. However, due to network reasons, we need a long time to download a 300M image, and even the download failed. For this reason, Ali Cloud container Hub service provides an official mirror site to speed up the download of official images.


Use the accelerator by modifying the daemon configuration file /etc/dock/daemon. json:


    $ sudo mkdir -p / etc/docker

    $ sudo tee /etc/ docker/daemon .json <<- 'EOF'


    "registry-mirrors": [""]



    $sudo systemctl daemon -reload

    $sudo systemctl restart docker

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Containerize Spring Boot

Here we assume that our development language is Java, using the SpringBoot framework.

  1. Creating a project structure

*nix系统下: mkdir-p src/main/java/hello

  1. Generate the pom. XML


    <? The XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >

    The < project XMLNS = "" XMLNS: xsi = ""

    Xsi: schemaLocation = "" >

    The < modelVersion > 4.0.0 < / modelVersion >



    < version > 0.1.0 from < / version >




    . < version > 2.0.3 RELEASE < / version >



    < Java version > 1.8 < / Java. Version >
















               <name>aliyun maven</name>













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  1. Edit SRC /main/Java /hello/


    package hello;

    import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;

    import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;

    import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;



    public class Application {


       public String home() {

           return "Hello Docker World";


       public static void main(String[] args) {

 , args);



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    $MVN package && java-jar target/gs-spring-boot-docker-0.1.0.jar

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  1. The container is changed

Add Dockerfile


    FROM openjdk :8- jdk-alpine


    COPY $ {JAR_FILE} app.jar

    ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app.jar"]

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  1. Adding Maven support

Edit the pom. XML








    The < version > 1.3.6 < / version >




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    $ mvn install dockerfile:build

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  1. run


    $ docker run -p 8080:8080 -t springio/gs-spring-boot-docker

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Now we have docker-like our project, we upload the project to our Gitlab to complete the preparation of the development project

Gitlab installation

We can install Gitlab with one click through Docker. The installation commands provided by the official document are as follows:


    sudo docker run --detach \

       --hostname \

       --publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 \

       --name gitlab \

       --restart always \

       --volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab \

       --volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab \

       --volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab \


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Simplified version


    docker run --detach \

       --hostname \

       --publish 17880:80 \

       --name gitlab \

       --restart always \


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Gitlab CI

We want to make CI work, and we need to do two things

  1. Add the.gitlab-ci.yml file to your project root

  2. Set the Runner

.gitlab-ci.yML simple preparation

The simplest CI file to build Docker image



     stage: build

     script: mvn install dockerfile:build


     stage: deploy


     - docker rm -f springio/gs-spring-boot-docker || true

     - docker run -d -p 11080:8080 -t springio/gs-spring-boot-docker

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Gitlab Runner installation


    # # set the source

    $ curl -L | sudo bash

    # # to install

    $ sudo yum install gitlab-runner

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Gitlab Runner configuration


    $ gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register

    Running in system-mode.

    Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g.

    # set target Gitlab address here, for example:

    Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner:

    The token needs to be obtained from the configuration in the project

    Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner:

    # description

    Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated):

    The # tag can be skipped

    Whether to lock the Runner to current project [true/false]:

    # Whether to lock to the current project, if it is a universal Runner can be shared by multiple projects, safety consider one Runner per project

    Please enter the executor: docker, shell, ssh, docker+machine, kubernetes, docker-ssh, parallels, virtualbox, docker-ssh+machine:

    # here we choose shell

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Add user gitlab-runner to docker group to enable user gitlab-runner to operate docker


    $ usermod -a - G docker gitlab-runner

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This is the entire automated build process based on Gitlab CI, which is set up for continuous deployment of our project.

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