The Input Input
Gestures Gestures
In the package: flame/gestures. Dart files, you can find all that can be included in your game class instance receives all touch the set of input events mixins. Here are all mixins and their methods:
- TapDetector - onTap - onTapCancel - onTapDown - onTapUp - SecondaryTapDetector - onSecondaryTapDown - onSecondaryTapUp - onSecondaryTapCancel - DoubleTapDetector - onDoubleTap - LongPressDetector - onLongPress - onLongPressStart - onLongPressMoveUpdate - onLongPressUp - onLongPressEnd - VerticalDragDetector - onVerticalDragDown - onVerticalDragStart - onVerticalDragUpdate - onVerticalDragEnd - onVerticalDragCancel - HorizontalDragDetector - onHorizontalDragDown - onHorizontalDragStart - onHorizontalDragUpdate - onHorizontalDragEnd - onHorizontalDragCancel - ForcePressDetector - onForcePressStart - onForcePressPeak - onForcePressUpdate - onForcePressEnd - PanDetector - onPanDown - onPanStart - onPanUpdate - onPanEnd - onPanCancel - ScaleDetector - onScaleStart - onScaleUpdate - onScaleEndCopy the code
Many of these detectors will conflict with each other, for example, you can’t register Vertical and Horizontal drags at the same time, so not everything can be used at the same time.
All of these methods are a mirror image from the GesutreDetector widget, so you can learn more about Flutter gestures here.
Example Example
class MyGame extends Game with TapDetector {
void onTapDown(TapDownDetails details){
print("Player tap down on ${details.globalPosition.dx} - ${details.globalPosition.dy}")
void onTapUp(TapUpDetails details) {
print("Player tap up on ${details.globalPosition.dx} - ${details.globalPosition.dy}"); }}Copy the code
You can learn more in this example.
Tapable Components Components that can be clicked
Flame also provides a simple helper class that makes it easier for PositionComponent to handle touch events. By using Mixin Tapable, your component can implement the following methods to make it easy to use touch events.
void onTapCancel() {}
void onTapDown(TapDownDetails details) {}
void onTapUp(TapUpDetails details) {}
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Minimum component use example:
import 'package:flame/components/component.dart';
import 'package:flame/components/mixins/tapable.dart';
class TapableComponent extends PositionComponent with Tapable {
void onTapUp(TapUpDetails details){
print("tap up");
void onTapDown(TapDownDetails details){
print("tap down");
void onTapCancel() {
print("tap cancel"); }}Copy the code
The rid_device_info_keyboard Keyboard
Flame provides a simple way to access Flutter’s functions about accessing keyboard input events.
Just add the KeyboardEvents Mixin to your game class to use it. This method is called every time a keyboard event occurs. It receives an instance of the Flutter RawKeyEvent class. It can be used to get information about the event, such as a key press and release event, a key press, etc.
The simplest example:
import 'package:flame/game.dart';
import 'package:flame/keyboard.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
class MyGame extends Game with KeyboardEvents {
void onKeyEvent(e){
final bool isKeyDown = e is RawKeyDownEvent;
print(" Key: ${} - isKeyDown: $isKeyDown"); }}Copy the code
You can see a more complete example here.