#1. Format vscode

Windows Shift + Alt + F

Mac Shift + Option + F

Ubuntu Ctrl + Shift + I

#2. Install plugin vetur #3 using style=”less” Click “Edit in settings.json” ## in “less.compile”: {} add “compress”: false, “sourceMap”: false, “out”: true, “outExt”: “.css” ## Create a. Less file to generate a corresponding. CSS file #4. Turn on code smart tips ## file – “Preferences -” set search for “prevent” ## Deselect “Editor Suggest Snippets prvent Quick Suggestions” #5. Set theme Color File – > Preferences – > Theme color Dark (Visual Studio) #6. Set the color of the specific location, such as variable name and function name. In the Settings text box, enter “Less.pile” and click “Edit in settings.json” to open the settings.json file for color editing