From my experience so far, I think:

First: use a pen and a piece of paper, and then move to break down requirements and clear logic. Second: can’t reduce encapsulation to meet schedule; Finally: we must assess the duration of the project clearly and communicate with each other.

It doesn’t matter how specific the method is, everyone has different habits. Even so, there is one habit I would like to share with you that I feel deeply about. It is to do one thing at a time. The details are not discussed, because the previous article has written a special article.

In fact, these points are not profound, but recently I was suddenly busy with work and forgot these details which should have been done, resulting in low efficiency and poor effect. Write an article to remind yourself that most of the time, even if you want to understand is also need some deliberate practice. This is the only way to turn certain abilities into habitual/subconscious actions.