This article will share some feelings and experience of the interview with you. Since the author has less than two years of work experience, this article is positioned as an Android development engineer with 1-3 years of experience. Of course, this article is also applicable to college admission, but after 3 years, the interview requirements may be higher.

It took me about three months to prepare for all the interviews. It can be called “the interview builds the rocket, the work turns the screw”, the interview process is really very tiring.

After interviewing many companies, THE author finally got offers from Zhihu, netease and Kuaishou, and may choose Zhihu in the end. Some people may ask why not choose Kuaishou? Indeed, kuaishou’s salary is very high and benefits are very good. But I think for now I should focus more on technical growth. When I communicated with the interviewers of Zhihu, I found that their technologies are relatively novel, including Kotlin, Flutter and Jetpack, which all have some practices. I also want to learn about them, and I am more interested in the business here. In addition, I was touched by their sincerity when talking about the offer.

So without further ado, here are some tips on how to prepare your resume and interview.

1. Resume

You don’t need to prepare your resume too fancy. I used to like to find some pretty templates, but after some guidance I switched to Markdown. The interviewer doesn’t care how good your resume looks, he’s more interested in what your resume says.

I recommend an open source project:…

In this project, there is a standard Android programmer resume template, which you can refer to, all kinds of attention is clearly written, I won’t repeat here.

In addition, you can use cold bear resume to write resume, and then through this website to generate PDF files, such resume is also better looking.

2. The interview

Finish writing resume can be delivered, generally can look for friends to push or pull hook net, Boss direct hire direct delivery, so a few faster.

The general interview arrangement is 3 rounds of technical interview and 1 round of HR interview, some companies may increase or decrease.

2.1 Technical interview

Technical interviews usually start with an introduction, then ask about the project you’re working on, look at the basics, then write an algorithm, and then maybe ask if you have any questions.

2.1.1 Self-introduction

Self-introduction usually mainly tell you where you work, the current work, how long work experience, what you have done, especially to highlight your highlights. You just have to prepare this in advance.

2.1.2 Project Experience

After you’re done introducing yourself, the interviewer will look at your work experience and ask you for some of the best things you’ve ever done.

We write about the work experience, responsible part must be particularly familiar, withstand the interrogation of the interviewer, if just participate in, also want to try to get familiar, otherwise do not write up.

Everyone’s experience is different, and what they’ve done is different, so I won’t sort it out for you.

2.1.3 basis

After asking about the project, it is time to review the candidate’s foundation, which generally includes Android foundation, Java foundation, common Open source framework for Android, design pattern and network foundation, etc. Here are some common research points:

Java related

  • Java based

    • HashMapImplementation principles of 1.7 and 1.8
    • finalKeyword, why do anonymous inner classes use final when using local references
  • Java multi-thread

    • The use and principles of thread pools
    • The lock mechanism:synchronized,Lock
    • volatileThe keyword
    • ThreadLocalThe principle of
  • JVM

    • Java memory structure
    • Java garbage collection mechanism
    • Java class loading process


  • Android based

    • Handler Communication mechanism
    • Cross-process communication mode
    • Activity Start mode
    • Memory optimization, layout optimization
    • View drawing process
    • Android event distribution mechanism
    • Classification and principle of animation
    • MVC, MVP, and MVVM patterns
    • SparseArrayThe principle of
  • Android Open Source Framework

    • Android Web Library:Volley,OkHttpandRetrofitThe use, principle and contrast of
    • Android Gallery:GlideandPicassoThe use, principle and contrast of
    • EventBusThe use and principle of
    • RxJavaThe use and principle of
    • The use and mechanism of the Router

Network based

  • HTTP: includes HTTP2.0 and HTTPS
  • TCP related: three-way handshake, four-way wave

Design patterns

  • The singleton pattern
  • Proxy mode: static proxy and dynamic proxy
  • Observer model

These basic knowledge on the one hand you can read the source code directly, on the one hand you can go to the Internet to search for relevant articles to learn, I have done some sorting here, see corpus Android developers will meet, meet good articles I will collect, welcome to pay attention to.

In this collection I have collected most of the things Android developers need to know, most of the articles are from Carson Ho, I really appreciate the big guy, his articles are very logical, can learn a lot of things, really helped me a lot.

In addition, Tencent interview really like to ask the principle, and asked more details, I may face the post requirements are more senior, one side hung up… In the future, we should strengthen the research on the principle.

2.1.4 algorithm

After asking the basic questions, you can write the algorithm. According to my interview experience, the difficulty of the algorithm is not very great, and basically brushing the “Sword Finger Offer” is enough to deal with the interview.

When we brush “sword finger Offer”, each question must be done first, these questions are basically online, we can directly knock on the code above. After finishing, look at the problem solving ideas in the book. If you find that your method is not very good, you can implement it yourself according to the ideas in the book, and then compare it with the code in the book, so that you are deeply impressed.

Remember, we are not to memorize every question, but to memorize every way to solve the question, so that we can have a summary, so that when we meet new questions in the future, we can deal with them freely.

In the process of preparation, I have implemented all the topics of “Jian Finger Offer” in Java. You can refer to the summary of official questions of jian Finger Offer Java version.

2.1.5 other

In addition to the above, the interviewer may also ask the reason for the change, AND I usually answer in terms of personal skills growth, I won’t go into details.

Finally, the interviewer may also ask you if you have any questions, usually technical, project-related questions, such as what kind of technology stack you are using, the size of the team, what will I be doing when I arrive, etc.

2.2 HR side

If you can get an offer from HR, congratulations are in order.

The average HR person will ask you about every aspect of your life, so just answer truthfully. When HR asks us about our demands for salary, I usually ask for a 30% increase based on the current general contract of the company, so that at least 20% to 30% will be given to you. Of course, some companies are exceptions, such as Kuaishou may give higher.

Finally, HR will ask you if you have any questions. This is a good time to ask about the company’s compensation package, such as how much year-end bonus there is, what is the rating system, how often promotions and promotions are offered, how much they are offered, what kind of benefits are offered, and how much annual leave is available.

Also, be sure to ask what the next steps are, if and when you will be doing backnotes. Before I saw on mai Mai that some companies did back tone early, leading to candidates have not mentioned leaving, colleagues will know all. It’s scary, too. So make sure to ask HR to do the back-tracking after you offer to leave.

3. The last

How hard it is to write here! If you think the article is good, please give it a thumbs up! In the future, I will update more high-quality articles and share some dry goods with you. I hope you pay attention to it

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