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The quickest way to learn a language is to see how it works in a real project. Here are some of the open source projects you’ve seen while studying Kotlin.

1. Weather Forecast (★1150)

This project is actually the supporting code of the book Kotlin-for-Android-Developers. If you are a beginner of Kotlin, then this is definitely the best choice for you to learn Kotlin. The project uses a weather example to show the powerful functions kotlin brings, such as network data request, data cache design, database operation, various extension functions and so on.

2. Music Player (★1110)

Kotlin version of the music player, data from LastFm.

3. Dry Goods Concentration Camp APP (★953)

Gank. IO Kotlin implementation of dry goods concentration Camp Android client, style using Material Design.

4. Cartoon APP painted (801)

A simple comic APP written by Kotlin.

5.Eyepetizer Client (★752)

Kotlin’s version of Eyepetizer Client.

6. Ridicule client (★666)

Kotlin version of the teasing client.

7. Dagger client (★430)

The example using dagger in Kotlin, based on Dagger2, shows you how to use the dagger in Kotlin, as well as some development tips.

8.Dribble Client (★374)

Use the Dribbble client developed by Kotlin.

9. Image Player (★246)

A photo and video gallery effect, written entirely using Kotlin.

10. Fitness Apps (★193)

Kotlin and Java hybrid fitness app.

11. Fanfu Select Client (★163)

Kotlin version of the meal no select client.

12. Kotlin MVP – example painted (157).

Kotlin + MVP Demo.

13. Douban Movie (★147)

Kotlin project using Douban Movie API.

14. Camera APP painted (115)

Camera app by Kotlin, with flash and auto zoom.

15. File Browser (★101)

Kotlin version of the file browser.

16. Reader (★78)

Kotlin Is a simple App developed by Kotlin for learning the Kotlin language and working with the latest frameworks.

17. Notepad (★61)

Simple notepad application.

Painted 18. Twitter APP (42)

Kotlin’s version of the Twitter client.

18 Kotlin Open Source Projects

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