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The current H5 application needs to be embedded in the nail for use

Basic configuration

  • Create dingding H5 micro Application (address: Dingding Development Platform -> Application Development -> Enterprise Development -> Create Application)

  • Obtain basic application information

  • Permission to open

  • Configure IP egress and link

  • Find login related API documentation:

Development (only the main wrapper code is shown here)

  • Create a project Can according to the official document writing (django API:…
  • Encapsulate the pin API

The structure is generally shown as follows

Server code:

  • Access token
@retry(reraise=True, stop=(stop_after_delay(10) | stop_after_attempt(3)), wait=wait_random(min=1, max=3), retry=retry_if_exception_type()) def get_token(self, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: ": result access_token "" path = 'getToken' params = {" appKey ": self.__appkey, "appsecret": self.__appsecret } response = self.conn.get( path=path, params=params, timeout=5 ) data = response.json() errcode = data.get('errcode', -1) if str(errcode) == "0": result = data.get('access_token', {}) result = result if isinstance(result, str) else "" return result return {}Copy the code
  • Obtain personnel information by code
def getuserinfo(self, code: str, *args, **kwargs):
    path = "/user/getuserinfo"
    params = {
        "access_token": self.get_token(),
        "code": code
    response = self.conn.get(
    data = response.json()
    errcode = data.get('errcode', -1)
    if str(errcode) == '0':
        result = data
        result = result if isinstance(result, dict) else {}
        user_id = result.get('userid')
        response = self._get_user_detail(user_id)
        return response
    return {}

Copy the code
  • Obtaining Personnel Details
def _get_user_detail(self, user_id: str, *args, **kwargs): key = str(user_id) + "_get_user_detail" info = redisClient.authcache('get', key) if info: return info path = '/topapi/v2/user/get? access_token={}'.format(self.get_token()) params = { "language": "zh_CN", "userid": user_id } response = path=path, params=params, timeout=5 ) data = response.json() errcode = data.get('errcode', -1) if str(errcode) == '0': result = data.get('result', {}) result = result if isinstance(result, dict) else {} redisClient.authcache('set', key, result) return result return {}Copy the code

The front-end code

  • The PC code
< script SRC = "" > < / script > < p > Opening with the system default browser(Google Chrome Recommened) ... . < / p > < script > dd. Ready (function () {dd. Runtime. Permission. RequestAuthCode ({corpId: "{{corpId}}", / / enterprise id onSuccess: function (result) {{ url: Protocol + "//" + + "{{uri}}&code=" + result.code,// The address to open the link onSuccess: function (result) { /**/ }, onFail: function (err) { } }); }, onFail: function (error) {alert(' pin authentication failed! ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); }}); }); </script>Copy the code
  • Mob server-side code
< script SRC = "" > < / script > < script > dd. Ready (function () {dd. Runtime. Permission. RequestAuthCode ({corpId: "{{corpId}}", / / enterprise id onSuccess: function (result) {{ url: Protocol + "//" + + "{{uri}}&code=" + result.code,// The address to open the link onSuccess: function (result) { /**/ }, onFail: function (err) { } }); }, onFail: function (error) {alert(' pin authentication failed! ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); }}); }); </script>Copy the code
  • Login completed jump to the home page (session processing here)
    setTimeout(function () {
        document.location.replace("{{ uri }}");
    }, 0)
Copy the code

Scan code login page implementation

<p align="value" style="text-align:center">{{ title }}</p> <div id="login_container" style="text-align:center"></div> < script SRC = "" > < / script > < script > var url = encodeURIComponent('users/login/'); var goto = encodeURIComponent('{{ appid }}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_login&state=test&redirect_uri=' + window.location.protocol + "//" + + url) var obj = DDLogin({ id: "Login_container ",// you need to define an HTML tag on your page and set the ID, For example, <div id="login_container"></div> or <span id="login_container"></ SPAN > goto: goto, style: "border:none; background-color:#FFFFFF;" , width: "300", height: "400" }); var hanndleMessage = function (event) { var origin = event.origin; console.log("origin", event.origin); If (origin = = "") {/ / determine whether from ddLogin scan code. var loginTmpCode =; Console. log("loginTmpCode", loginTmpCode); var url2 = "{{appid}}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_login&state=NvSx TQh&redirect_uri=" + window.location.protocol + "//" + + url + "&loginTmpCode=" + loginTmpCode; console.log("url2", url2) window.location.href = url2; }}; if (typeof window.addEventListener ! = 'undefined') { window.addEventListener('message', hanndleMessage, false); } else if (typeof window.attachEvent ! = 'undefined') { window.attachEvent('onmessage', hanndleMessage); } </script>Copy the code