This article is just my opinion. Trolls are welcome.

Calculus has always been difficult to study in college, in large part because textbooks are difficult to follow. Chinese textbooks only talk about how, not why. So, try the following textbook.

Differential and integral calculus

  • Princeton Calculus Reader
  • Thomas calculus

I read the Princeton Calculus Reader first, and found that it only covered single-variable calculus, lacked multivariable calculus, and had no problem sets, so I used Thomas calculus as a supplement. Linear algebra

  • Linear algebra and its applications

The difference between foreign textbooks and domestic textbooks is that foreign textbooks are particularly thick, in order to explain a theorem, there will be a lot of derivation process, although thick, but very easy to read.

It must be a good book if I can make fools of myself understand it.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.