Welcome to the latest weBRTC-related information from webrtcweekly.com, translated by Tawan Technology.

Press the point

Four keys to an incredible customer experience for personalized video Interaction (Sinch)

Call center with video call function.

Technical information

There is no update for this issue

Users and Practices

Temasys releases zero-code components for live video, chat, and cross-browsing on the Appian platform (from Press Release)

By integrating with Appian’s BPM platform, Temasys has entered the call center market.

Media reports

OpenVidu 2.11.0 Release: Webhook and first extensibility release (from OpenVidu)

OpenVidu is starting to introduce extensibility features into its framework.

Kurento 6.11 release (from Kurento)

Fixed data channel support for SDP.

Red5 Pro Server and SDK 5.7.0

WebRTC Bug fixes and performance improvements.

WebRTC Connectivity is a Challenge – a free video course (blogGeek.me)