According to flash cloud technology small program, mall small program in recent years favored by brands. As a new form of e-commerce, mall small procedures have what advantages? What do you need to pay attention to when building small mall programs? What special effect can mall mini program bring to the brand? Next and flash cloud technology xiaobian detailed understanding of it.

Wechat launched the mini program function in January 2017, aiming to reduce the frequency of users using the APP and integrate users into wechat mini programs. Compared with APP, small programs do not need to be installed and deleted, run out of the characteristics of mobile phone memory, there is no need to switch back and forth between apps. Recently, wechat mini program has the star mark function, which can let the user after using the small program, the small program will leave traces in the user’s chat record and drop-down interface. The star mark function can also make the user more convenient to use the commonly used small program. For large brand enterprises, it is more conducive to cultivating long-term and stable emotional links with target consumers or old users.

So in addition, what are the reasons for many brands to build small mall procedures?

Mall small program has a large number of wechat users

According to official statistics, wechat has 1 billion monthly active users. The average person checks moments at least twice a day. Wechat’s vast user base covers two-thirds of Chinese consumers.

Wechat public number and mall small program supplement each other

Mall small program and wechat public number is a kind of access relationship, users can directly jump to the small program when reading the wechat public number article. These are all based on a certain user base and brand membership data. This is undoubtedly very tempting to brand business. The wechat public account mainly produces high-quality content, and the small program carries the traffic attracted by the public account to do better customer service. Take advantage of social e-commerce to increase conversion rates.

Mall small program risk is low

Different from entering the third-party mall, the brand building mall small program, operation can be completely controlled by their own. Brands can be more flexible to carry out digital creative marketing. Can better the corporate culture through mall small program to be expressed. The mall small program built by the brand is mobile, is the channel to connect the brand online and offline business. The nine scenes of system entrance, scanning code, public account, sharing, search, LBS, payment card package, enterprise wechat and advertising are connected to become a key link between wechat ecology and offline business. Mall small program is also the brand hope to develop in the traditional competition breakthrough.

Mall applet rich application scenarios

For example, the daily Premium, which is almost standard in office buildings, allows users to select products and pay for them without going to a vending machine. Get it from the vending machine anytime. These behaviors are user-driven. For example, COCO milk tea shop launched a small program can be booked after self-collection, so that you can avoid queuing, line selection, after the time to directly pick up goods. Mall small program has given users a variety of use scenarios.

From all aspects, with the help of mall mini programs, brands can improve their marketing methods, carry out targeted marketing activities, and improve brand awareness and user conversion rate on the basis of wechat social networking and big data.