Framework class

AFNetworking lightweight networking library.

SDWebImage supports caching of asynchronous image loading libraries.

Image GPUImage A GPU based image and video processing library.

ModelMantle quickly builds the framework of the Model layer.

ModelMJExtension dictionary model interchange framework.

ModelJSONKit performance is very good JSON parsing, generation framework.

Persisting MagicalRecord simplifies the framework for using CoreData.

A framework for persisting FMDB to simplify SQLite database operations.

Layout Navigation Lightweight automatic layout library.

Layout cellSDAutoLayout chain programming idea, using a very simple automatic layout library. Supports a high degree of Cell adaptation.

Framework ReactiveCocoa functional responsive programming framework.

Debug CocoaLumberjack to replace NSLog with DDLog to provide powerful logging functions.

Network CocoaAsyncSocket Encapsulates the underlying CFNetwork library and supports TCP and UDP.

YYKit contains a large toolkit of components.

ModelYYModel High-performance Model layer framework.

Performance YYCache A high-performance cache framework with the same API as NSCache.

Image YYImage image encoding and decoding, GIF processing, animation playback frame.

The network image YYWebImage supports the cache asynchronous image loading library, and can make simple adjustments to the image.

LabeltextViewYYText can do almost anything about text processing.

Keyboard event YYKeywoardManager is a relatively niche keyboard event handling library.

The performance framework YYDispatchQueuePool uses this library to null the global thread count in order to prevent threads from overloading the main thread.

Performance YYAsyncLayer Asynchronous drawing display tool.

The framework YYCategories makes categories for a large number of system-provided classes.

The BlocksKit framework encapsulates a number of system apis, particularly the delegate, and uses blocks to handle callbacks.

Network YTKNetwork is a network library based on AFNetworking secondary encapsulation.

Control class

Indicator layer MBProgress SHUd transparent indicator layer with good customization.

Indicator layer SVProgressHUD uses a simple transparent indicator layer.

Indicator layer M13ProgressSuite effect very many progress indicators.

Drop-down Refresh MJRefresh uses the simplest drop-down refresh.

Drop-down refresh CBStoreHouseRefreshControl provide coordinates, to generate animation drop-down refresh. Use PaintCode to generate coordinates.

NavigationBar navigationLTNavigationBar can hide.

NavigationTLYShyNavBar NavigationBar that can be hidden.

NavigationJTNavigationController smooth NavigationBar return form of pop (netease cloud music, netease news effect).

FDFullscreenPopGesture Adds a POP gesture to the full screen, swiping pop to the right.

CellSWTableViewCell Swipes the Cell of the side expand button.

CellMGSwipeTableCell works well for another Cell that slides the side expand button.

CellMCSwipeTableViewCell Continuously swipes the Cell marked on the side to switch on or off, mark it, or delete it.

LabelTTTAttributedLabel A library that adds various attributes to UILabel.

TextFieldJVFloatLabeledTextFieldPlaceholder TextField with floating animation.

DrawerRESideMenu previous version of QQ with a scaled drawer.

DrawerMSDynamicsDrawerViewController zoom drawer with elasticity.

DrawerMMDrawerController supports gesture support for NavigationBar drawers, customizable animations.

DrawerRNFrostedSidebar Frosted glass sidebar drawer.

Gestures ZFDragableModalTransition view Modal animation with drag gesture.

TabbarCYLTabBarController TabBarContoller application framework of low coupling.

TabbarFoldingTabBar A TabBar expanded by a button.

Other FDStackView supports StackView in iOS 6+.

Chart PNChart is a library of charts that drive drawing.

Warning on other CRToastNavigationBar and StatusBar, various animations and directions.

Other FXForms fill out forms based on TableView.

Other SvWebViewControllers use a minimalist web controller with NavigationBar and ToolBar.

The other DZNEmptyDataSet integrates views of empty data state placeholders.

Other CYLTableViewPlaceHolder placeholder uses simple empty data placeholders than above.

Other EaintroViews are based on the welcome boot view of PageView.

Other Onboard is easier than the one above to welcome the bootstrap view controller and add elements directly.

Other irates remind users of libraries that rate applications.

Other MWPhoto Browsers work well for image browsers, web downloads and caching have been taken care of.

Other ZSSRichTextEditor text editor.

KRVideoPlayer supports vertical playback of video players.

PBJVideoPlayer is a customized video player.

Av IQAudioRecorderController recorder, can display waveform.

Other JSQMessagesViewController great im view controller.

Other SlackTextViewController view controllers with many im application features, TextView automatically row height.

Other MDCSwipeToChoose swipe left and right to select View (explore the effect)

Other ZLSwipeableView and the above similar effect, customization is strong.

Other ReaderPDF readers.

Utility class

The Reachability provided by Apple will only tell us that the device is connected when the local network is connected but the actual external network is disconnected. However, most of our requirements are to understand the external network connection status. This library solves this problem.

Debugging network NetworkEye Displays application network request information within an application.

Cell layout uitableView-fdTemPlatelayOutCell Automatically estimates the row height by AutoLayout.

Openshare integrates sharing, login and payment with wechat, QQ, Weibo, Renren and Alipay.

Other MMWormhole client and extension value transfer channels based on App Group.

Colours Colours spread.

Date DateTools a feature-rich date and time library.

Keyboard events IQKeyboardManager handles all keyboard events automatically in one sentence.

Icon FontAwesomeKit is a well-known character library that contains a large number of icon resources. With this library, you can save a lot of art.

Image FLAnimatedImageGIF engine.

Image ColorArt Gets the overall image style color library, effects on iTunes 11.

Other FormatterKits support formatting strings in multiple languages (various units, standards).

EZAudio visual audio framework.

Xcode plug-in

AlctrazXcode plug-in management tool.

VVDocumenter is a plug-in to quickly add Javadoc formatting annotations.

KSImageNamed gives a preview when typing the image name.