This is the second day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge 2021

📢 Hello everyone, I am Xiao Cheng, a sophomore front-end enthusiast

📢 This article is a study note for the basics of HTML

📢 Thank you very much for reading

📢 May you be true to yourself and love life

💡 Knowledge points look first

  • About HTML History

  • HTML Document structure

  • Semantic tags in HTML5

This is the first article in a series of articles, so let’s keep it simple and get straight to work!

A brief introduction to HTML

1. Three elements of a web page

Speaking of this always want to mention the front three musketeers, HTML, CSS, JS, they three in the web page has a clear division of labor

  • HTML: Basic structure of a web page
  • CSS: Display effect of a web page
  • JS: Function and behavior of web pages

2. What is HTML

HTML is also called HyperText Markup Language, short for HyperText Markup Language, a Markup Language used to build the basic structure and content of web pages

Hypertext: Links within text that contain other text

Markup language: Combines text and other text-related information to reveal information about the structure of the document, such as HTML, XML, KML, Markdown, etc

3. Development history

HTML has a long history of improving on pre-existing problems

I think this is the meaning of our learning, to find problems, solve problems, continue to grow, slowly become stronger

  • Berners-lee proposed an Internet-based hypertext system in 1989

  • In 1993, IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) issued the first HTML proposal, from which the first version of HTML language was born

  • HTML 2.0 was released in 1995 after several drafts, including form-based file uploads, tables, internationalization, and more

  • In 1994, the W3C was formed to take over the standardization of HTML, releasing HTML 3.2 in 1997

  • Many browser-specific element types and attributes were adopted in the subsequent release of HTML4.0

  • HTML5 was released as a W3C recommendation in 2014

I didn’t expect that the HTML5 I’m talking about every day was released in 2014 😂

Second, HTML features

HTML tags typically consist of a start tag, an end tag, content, and elements

Of course, some tags do not have an end tag, such as IMG, input…

  • HTML documents contain multiple HTML elements that have different characteristics

  • HTML element = start tag + End tag + element content

  • Some elements have only one tag, such as IMG, input, br, and so on

  • HTML element tags are case insensitive

  • Elements can be nested among other elements

  • Elements can have attributes, which contain additional information about the element

3. HTML page structure

1. Fixed structure

Writing HTML in VSCode often makes us forget about the fixed structure in HTML

<! DOCTYPE html><html> 
        <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
        <title>The page title</title> 

Copy the code
  • is placed at the top of the HTML document, and the browser will parse the rendered page according to the W3C’S HTML5 standard

  • < HTML > root element, which contains the content of the entire page

  • is not visible to the user and contains, for example, search engine-oriented keywords, page descriptions, character encoding declarations, CSS styles, and so on

  • This element contains content that can be accessed by the user, including text, images, video, games, audio, etc

2. meta

In the head we can set some configuration information with the meta tag

<meta charset="utf-8">Define document character encoding<meta name="keywords" content="HTML">The keyword<meta name="description" content="HTML based">Page description<meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initialscale = 1.0, the maximum - scale = 1.0, user - scalable = 0">Mainly used on mobile devices, it defines the area of the device screen used to display web pages<meta "http-equiv="expires" content="31 Dec 2021">HTTP headersCopy the code

3. link

The link tag is used to specify external resources and establish links between HTML documents and external resources

There are three common attributes

  • Ref: Indicates the type of relationship between an HTML page and a resource, such as icon

  • Type: Specifies the MIME type, such as text/ CSS

  • Href: Specifies the external resource URL

Several common uses

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">Favicon for the current page<link rel="stylesheet" href="my-css-file.css">Link to the stylesheet<link href="fancy.css" rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Fancy">Replaceable style sheetsCopy the code

4. script

I’ll focus on its two properties defer and Async

The script tag that adds defer will download immediately and delay execution

The script tag added with async tells the browser that it does not need to wait for the script to download and execute before loading the page.

The difference between the three can be seen in the figure

4. Common elements

1. Inline the element inline

• Occupies only the space contained in the border of its corresponding label

• Can only accommodate text or other inline elements

• The size can only be changed by modifying the horizontal margin, border, or line height

Commonly used inline element: < a >, < span >, < br >, < I >, < em >, < strong >, < label >, < q >, < var >, < cite >, < code >

2. Block level element block

  • The entire line that occupies its parent always starts on the new line

  • Can hold other block elements or inline elements

  • You can control the width height, line height, margin, border and so on to change its size

  • Common block-level elements:

    , < P >,

    , < H6 >, < OL >,

      , < DL >,



3. Inline block-level elements inline-block

  • Elements are arranged within a row, not on a single row

  • Supports setting width and height as well as vertical margins and borders

  • Common inline elements: , , < TD >

Fifth, semantic labels

Prior to HTML5, div tags were abused, leading to problems such as decreased code readability

A set of semantic tags has been proposed in HTML5 to make code easier to read, more maintainable, and better parsed by machines

HTML5 tags are much more readable

Copy the code

1. Semantics — block labels

Classic god figure

This figure shows the division of semantic tags

1. header

• Present introductory information

• Usually contains a set of introductory or navigational elements such as a title, Logo, search box,

Author name, etc.

• Cannot be placed inside a


, or another


Usually a large box used to wrap head navigation

(gold code)

2. nav

  • Provide navigation links, such as menus, tables of contents, indexes, and so on, in the current document or other documents
  • Used toPlace some popular links, infrequently used links are usually placedfooterPut in the bottom
        <li><a href="#">HTML</a></li>

Copy the code

3. article

  • Separate documents, pages, applications, sites
  • Independently assignable or reusable structures, such as forum posts, news articles, blogs, user-submitted comments, interactive components, and so on

4. section

  • Groups content by subject, usually with headings
  • <section>Usually occurs inThe outline of the document
  • Don’t put the<section>Use as a normal container, for example, to beautify the fragment style<div>A more appropriate
  • If the element contains a single block of content, yesSeparate releaseIs more suitable for use<article>

5. aside

  • Represents a section that has little to do with the rest of the page, or that does not affect the overall content
  • Usually inThe sidebarFor display advertising,tipsReferences, etc

6. footer

  • Represents the footer of the most recent chapter
  • Usually contains information about the chapter’s author, copyright data, or document links
  • footerThe elements in are not part of the section content and are not included in the outline

2. Semantically — group

1. figure — figcaption

  • <figure>Package isIndependently referenced content: Diagrams, illustrations, code, etcThe title
  • <figcaption>Description/title of the chart associated with it, usually located<figure> çš„The first or the last
    <img src="" alt="">
Copy the code

Kind of like our standard logo tag,

2. blockquote

  • Block-level reference elements
  • citeProperty represents thesourcetheurl
<blockquote cite="">
Copy the code

3. dl / dt / dd

  • Term used to describe a set of key-value pairs.
  • Typically used for metadata, term definition, and other scenarios.

3. Semantic — text

None of these things have been used much, whoohoo

1. cite

  • <cite>The element is usually used to refer to the work title
  • Includes citations from papers, documents, books, films, etc

2. time

  • Machine readable time and date
  • datetimeRepresents the date and time associated with this element. If not specified, the element will not beParse to date

3. address

  • Contact information

4. mark

  • Make a mark to indicate the need for attention

5. code

  • Code snippet

6. small

  • Disclaimer, precautions and other information

4. Semantic — multimedia

1. img

  • srcSpecifies the path to the file
  • altDescription of the image, text displayed when the network speed difference
  • decodingDecoding mode: asynchronous or synchronous
  • loading Lazy loadingAnd look forward to!
  • titleText displayed when the mouse is placed

2. picture

  • Contains more than onesocurceElements, andimgThe difference is that it can provideMultiple versionsImage version of
  • mediasimilarMedia queries
  • type MIMEType, depending on browser support for rendering images

3. The audio and video

Here are the two tags video and audio, and they have similar properties

  • srcSpecify file path
  • controlsSpecify whetherAccording to the control, you can also create your own
  • autoplayWhether or notAutomatically play
  • sourceAlternative resources,In the case of load failure, load resources, or different clarity, different formats, that is, spare

📌 summary

Finally, from this article we learn the following knowledge

  • HTML history
  • HTML features
  • HTML Document structure
  • Semantic tags in HTML5

In the end, there may be some unclear place, please forgive me

💌 if the article has any mistakes, or have any questions, welcome to leave a message, also welcome private letter exchange