Multi-image warning, in order to demonstrate more clearly, more GIFs.

Ides we usually use, such as Android Studio, IDEA, PyCharm and WebStorm, are all family tools of Some functions are universal and easy to use, which can improve our development efficiency. Here are 11 tips.

1. Edit multiple lines simultaneously

This feature, as those of you who have used editors such as Sublime Text know, is extremely comfortable and gives me a sense of control over the code.

There are two specific methods of use:

  • You can drag multiple rows by holding down the Wheel key

  • Alt + Shift + left mouse button to select different positions to edit

2. View the last five contents to be copied

The built-in clipboard tool will save the records of the last five copies, which is convenient for us to copy and paste different files

  • Win: “Ctrl + Shift + V”
  • Mac: “Command + Shift + V”

3. Quickly convert existing code into variables

  • “Ctrl + Alt + V” generates local variables and automatically renames them where they are used

  • “Ctrl + Alt + F” generates class member variables and automatically renames them where they are used

4. Quickly convert existing code into methods

  • “Ctrl + Alt + M” quickly generates code blocks into a new method and automatically extracts and generates parameters, which is great for refactoring.

5. Quickly complete a line of code

  • Autoformat, autocomplete semicolon, and wrap code if it is formatted and has a semicolon
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter

6. Jump to a file quickly

  • “Double click Shift” and then enter the file name jump, support fuzzy search, support to ignore case, often used in their current often develop several remember the name of the file

7. Quickly locate the file folder

Click on the icon shown in the image to quickly locate the file being edited in the tree

8. Generate a for loop quickly

  • “Fori”

Enter fori directly, and the generated for loop automatically generates code such as I and curly braces, and the generated I variable is not repeated

  • “List. for” generates a for loop based on a list, and there are several ways to choose from

9. Quickly generate if judgments

  • “.if “is written directly after the expression.ifCan generate code quickly
  • “Null”
  • “The notnull”

10. Customize quick code templates

  • Set – Live Template

  • Then select a language and click the plus button on the right to create your own template

I created a new newFunc keyword in the Android code template to generate a new method:

11. Who touched my code?

  • Code line number sidebar right click -> Annotate

Many of our projects now have Git or SVN version control, so sometimes when teams work together, it’s inevitable to change each other’s code.

When a problem is found, it is necessary to quickly locate who changed a line and why. This function can be a good solution.

Right click on annotate in the menu bar, and the sidebar will show the name of the person who made the last annotation in each line, along with the time it was made

Click the record of a certain line, it will open the record of the modification, which is convenient to locate the reason for the modification.

These are the 11 tips to share this time. Welcome your valuable advice and be open-minded to accept it.

If you have any questions, please point them out and make progress together.

Welcome to pay attention to my public number: eat, sleep and write code