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This article will always keep updated, strive to boutique, welcome collection!

I sincerely hope that this experience summary can give you to expand your knowledge!

If you get a lot of new skills here, be sure to comment or bookmark them!

Develop necessary websites:

  • Android development tools to download

  • Android development domestic cattle set

  • Android Development Technology Weekly Chinese version

  • Android excellent open source project collection and source code analysis

  • Android universal technology community

  • Android development has encountered a tool or website that we’ve never seen before

  • Android development practical skills collection

  • Android live video technology exploration series

  • What new technologies are emerging for Android development

  • Android has all the apis you want to practice with

  • Some pitfalls for Android development

  • Dry goods concentration camp

  • Develop a collection of widgets online

What you need to know about GitHub

  • GitHub is a weekly ranking of the most popular open source projects on Android

  • GitHub ranks the most popular open source projects on Android

  • GitHub introduces the top 100 Android open source libraries

  • Who are the top 100 GitHub China people

  • Some great people on GitHub in every language

Learn GitHub from scratch:

  • Learn GITHUB from 0

  • Join GITHUB from 0

  • Learn GITHUB series GIT Crash from 0

  • Learn GITHUB series “Submit code to GITHUB” from 0

  • Learn GITHUB series “GIT Advanced” from 0

  • Learn GITHUB team BRANCH from scratch

  • GITHUB: How to do GITHUB?

Free app hosting platform:



  • The dandelion

What you need to know about catching bags:

  • Android uses Fiddler for network data capture 1

  • Android uses Fiddler for network data capture 2

  • Android uses Charles for network data capture

  • Android uses tcpdump and Wireshark to capture network data packets

What you need to know about the Android framework

  • Android universal popular framework

  • This article will teach you to recognize MVC, MVP and MVVM

What you need to know about responsive programming:

  • Chinese version of the ReactiveX/RxJava documentation

  • ReactiveX/RxJava document query manual

  • Android RxJava,

  • Android RxJava 2

  • Explain how to use EventBus

What you need to know about relational databases:

  • GreenDao 3.0 simple and easy to use ORM DB

What you need to know about NDK development

  • JNI type mapping table

  • Understand Android. Mk and

  • A short example takes you through NDK development

What you need to know about network requests:

  • Retrofit, RxJava, whatever you want

  • Retrofit network requests Service details

What you need to know about open Source libraries

  • JakeWharton/butterknife:

  • ReactiveX/RxJava:


  • ReactiveX/RxAndroid:


  • Square/retrofit:


  • Square/okhttp:


  • Bumptech/glide:


  • greenrobot/greenDAO:


  • greenrobot/EventBus:


  • jhy/jsoup:


What you need to know about the Chrome plugin:

  • Top 10 Chrome add-ons that developers use frequently

What you must know about Material Design

  • Material Design Chinese version 1

  • Material Design Chinese Version 2

IO client collection based on the famous gank. IO:

  • Client

What you need to know about building your own blog:

  • Free personal blog construction details

  • Build a pit in Hexo’s blog

  • Simple book Markdown tutorial

Making the address, also welcome synchronous collection!

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