Abstract: Ali Cloud announced the launch of Serverless Kubernetes service, container service added Serverless form.

On May 2nd, Aliyun announced the launch of Serverless Kubernetes service, and the Serverless form of container service was added. Developers can create clusters in 5 seconds and deploy applications online in 30 seconds. Users do not need to manage the cluster infrastructure, but can also be paid according to the actual resources consumed by the application, which is intended to further reduce the barrier to use of container technology and simplify the complexity of container platform operation and maintenance. The service is now open for public testing.

Ali Cloud is the largest container public cloud platform in China, providing container platform for thousands of enterprises. The newly launched Serverless Kubernetes is responsible for the Serverless operation of container applications. It has the advantages of simple and easy to use, pay on demand, compatibility and package, security isolation, capacity expansion on demand, interconnection and so on. It is compatible with Kubernetes ecology and can be fully integrated with users’ existing application environment.

If managing a Kubernetes cluster is like driving a powerful sports car with a manual shift, using Serverless Kubernetes is like riding in a self-driving car and enjoying the freedom of computing. Its advantage lies in that it removes complex and time-consuming management operation and maintenance work and automatically allocates the underlying service resources. This mode is more consistent with the understanding of future cloud computing: users do not need to pay attention to environment configuration, server management, maintenance and upgrade operations, but more focused on the writing of application logic.

It is reported that in Serverless Kubernetes mode, developers only need to specify the application container image, CPU and memory requirements, select external service mode, can directly start the application, agile and convenient deployment, including Web applications, mobile application back-end services, multimedia processing, data processing, continuous integration and other types of applications.

Serverless Kubernetes is fully compatible with existing Kubernetes applications. It can deploy and manage applications using standard APIS and CLI. Application containers can communicate with existing applications and databases in a private network (VPC) but are securely isolated from each other to prevent interference. And ensure enterprise-level high availability and security.

In addition, Ali Cloud announced its support for the Open Service Broker API standard, the industry’s de facto standard for cloud application integration and management services. Through a consistent, simple and extensible interface, all types of development services can be delivered to Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes and other Cloud native application platforms in a convenient and unified manner. Easy implementation of multi-cloud application development.

Kubernetes’ serverless and new open standards are bound to bring more choices to users, on the basis of ensuring compatibility with existing mainstream open source technology, further reduce the threshold of the use of container technology, so that developers pay more attention to business innovation. For more details, please step to the Aliyun Container service Kubernete version page. www.aliyun.com/product/kub…

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