Now that I’ve had the time to learn more about Node, what do you want to make? After thinking about it, let’s make a simple bolg. Next, I will introduce the specific process.

Technology stack

  • node
  • Express (Web Application Framework)
  • Mongoose (Database)
  • Pm2 (Application Process Management)
  • Swagger (API function debugging)

Project introduction

This article will introduce Node-app with specific items:…

File structure

  • App.js: entry file
  • Package. json: Project information and package management
  • Node_moudules: dependency module
  • Public: static resources (CSS, JS, images)
  • Routes: routes management
  • View: template file
  • Models: Data model
  • Config: indicates the project configuration file
  • App: store controllers, common methods, etc
  • Bin: project configuration script

The MVC pattern

  • Model
    • nodeProvides modules, middleware, in useexpressGenerated when the project is creatednode_modulesIt indicates that theMlayer
    • Modules such asejs.mongoose.morgan.body-parser, etc.
  • View
    • expressGenerated when the project is generatedviews, that is, the front
  • Controller
    • That is, the view sends a request to the controller, and the controller selects the corresponding model to process it
    • The model returns the results to the controller, which selects the appropriate view and generates an interface for the user
    • Such as throughres.renderTo renderejsfile


  • Meaning: Called when visiting the home pageejsTemplate engine renderingindex.ejsfile
  • Implementation method:
    • inapp.jswritesrequire('./routes/index')(app)Can be introduced;
    • The corresponding route is imported in the routeControllerTo achieve the display of specific dataapp.get('/articles/:id', articles.getArticle);


It mainly deals with business logic, that is, how data should be displayed is managed by him. The specific implementation is as follows:

function(req, res) {blogdbs.find({_id: // query condition},function (err, data) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      res.render('articles', {... // Data object}); }})}Copy the code


Let’s talk about Schema before we talk about Model, but what is Schema? It is similar to the table structure of a relational database. The concrete implementation is as follows:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var schema = mongoose.Schema;
var _blogSchema = new Schema({
  title: {
    type: 'String'},... });Copy the code

Model (modelName, schema);

Why have a Model when you have a Schema?

In Mongoose’s design concept, Schema only defines data structures, and the specific operations of adding, deleting, modifying and checking data are performed by Model.

It’s like Foxconn building a phone out of a mold. When you need to make a call, you use the phone instead of the mold.

Problems encountered

  • Node development requires frequent project restarts, which I learned laterpm2To manage the process and monitor itnodeServer update, no need to restart the service, greatly improve the development efficiency.
  • When the server commits data asynchronously,app.jsThe following code needs to be added to the route import.
    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false}));Copy the code
  • App.get (), app.use() and app.all()

    • The callback in app.use(path,callback) can be either a Router object or a function
    • Callback in app.get(path,callback) can only be a function. App.get () can be used as a shorthand for the get method in app.use().
    • App.all () is the route attached to the application, so the app.Router middleware handles all routing requests, such as GET, POST, etc.
    var express = require('express');
    var app = express();
      res.send('hello test2'); }); Var express = require('express');
    var app = express();
    var router = express.Router();
    router.get('/'.function(req, res, next) {
      res.send('hello world! ');
    app.use('/hello',router);Copy the code

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    Project address: Node-app