1. A quadriplegic patient has successfully operated two robotic arms using “mind”

  2. Undercover fans to uncover the industry chain of celebrity health bao photos

  3. “Condiment Moutai” market value exceeds 651.3 billion, ancient industry into a new favorite capital? | company and line of inquiry

  4. Bitcoin hit $34,000, another record high

  5. Didi, Huaxiaozhu and Kuaidi suspended local and cross-city services in Heihe

  6. China will launch the core module of its space station this spring, entering the stage of full implementation

  7. Tianyun-1, which has traveled more than 400 million kilometers, will enter a fiery orbit to land on Mars in a little over a month

  8. Beijing: 220 vaccination sites have been activated and 73,537 doses have been administered

  9. 1 transmission 11+33, this round of epidemic in Dalian super transmission phenomenon

  10. Indonesia today began nationwide distribution of Sinovac vaccines

  11. Saudi Arabia announced the resumption of international flights and the reopening of its borders

  12. The number of 5G users in South Korea hit 10.9 million in November last year, while 4G users still exceed 50 million

  13. Newbee and five members of his team were permanently banned by DOTA officials after being accused of fixing matches

  14. Tesla exec: The best service is to leave the customer alone

  15. China’s railways are expected to make 8.3 million trips on January 3

  16. Steam peaked at 25 million online users worldwide

  17. It is illegal to bully a passenger seat, according to China Railway’s new 12306 regulation

  18. Sanya received more than 100,000 tourists on New Year’s Day and the average hotel occupancy rate exceeded 77%

  19. Tenpay, a subsidiary of Tencent Finance, was fined 8.76 million yuan after the central bank issued several anti-money laundering fines