🗞 News

Next. Js 12 is officially released

As the benchmark for enterprise-class Web application frameworks, next.js 12 is officially released with epic updates:

  • Rust Compiler: Refresh 3 times faster and build 5 times faster
  • Middleware support: Flexible middleware mechanisms that use middleware code to configure next.js
  • React 18 support: All the native next.js apis support React 18, including Suspense
  • <Image />Support AVIF format: reduce image size by 20%
  • Native ES Modules support: Alignment with standardized module systems
  • URL Imports: Can import packages from any URL without install
  • React Server Component Support: Using the Server Component does not require any client-side JavaScript and renders pages faster

Release Blog: Blog – Next. 12 | js Next, js (nextjs.org)

Yarn release 3.1

Yarn, the package management tool, released version 3.1 on October 25, updated with:

  • Node. Js Corepack integration
  • ES Modules support
  • New PNPM installation mode
  • Intelligent Changeset filtering
  • New Workspace syntax

Release Blog:Yarn 3.1 🎃👻 Corepack, ESM, pnpm, Optional Packages … – DEV Community

Hermes will soon become the React Native default JavaScript engine

English Blog: Toward Hermes being the Default · React Native

Hermes will be the default JS engine for React Native

Photoshop is coming to the Web

Building on WebAssembly’s capabilities, Photoshop is coming to the Web.

Blog: Photoshop’s Journey to the Web

📦 Open Source


An on-demand CSS engine by Anthony Fu.

Serve with “Reimagining atomic CSS” in the Article below.

GitHub Repo: Antfu/UNOCSS: The Instant On-demand Atomic CSS Engine. (github.com)


A browser compatibility is very good table processing tool, compatible with most browsers on the market, and can process tables including XLSX/CSV /HTML table, etc.

Browser support:

File format support:

This is very useful when you need code to filter the data you need in Excel, which is a significant increase in efficiency.

GitHub Repo: SheetJS/ SheetJS: SheetJS Community Edition — Spreadsheet Data Toolkit (Github.com)


An end-to-end (E2E) testing tool similar to Puppeteer.

The Home Page: Fast and reliable end – to – end testing for modern web apps | Playwright

Making Repo: Microsoft/playwright: Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API (github.com)

📑 Article

Reimagine atomized CSS

This article starts from what is the atomic CSS, introduces the principle of the community atomic CSS scheme Tailwind CSS and Windi CSS, and analyzes the existing problems of the community atomic CSS scheme, and improves the community scheme. Launched its own atomized CSS scheme UnoCSS, very worth learning!

Reimagining atomized CSS – Zhihu (Zhihu.com)