Apache ECharts officially provides code examples and ec-Canvas components for using ECharts in wechat applets, but does not release NPM packages.

Ec-canvas component to echarts can support NPM to introduce Echarts or local custom built Echarts, more in line with the Web development experience.

And release NPM package, support small programs through NPM installation use. Taro also supports the introduction of Echarts on demand to reduce packaging volume.

The installation

npm install echarts-for-weixin
Copy the code

Applet reference

Refer to tools/demo

  1. Start by adding the usingComponents configuration field to the JSON file on the page
  "usingComponents": {
    "ec-canvas": "echarts-for-weixin"}}Copy the code
  1. Project root directory is createdpackage.jsonAnd execute NPM install to install dependencies
  "dependencies": {
    "echarts": "^ 5.1.2." "."echarts-for-weixin": "^ 1.0.0"}}Copy the code
  1. Build NPM in applets developer tools

Click on the developer Tools menu bar: Tools –> Build NPM

  1. Introduced in the pageechartsfromnpmThe introduction ofecharts, can also introduce a local custom buildechartsTo reduce the volume
import * as echarts from 'echarts' // Import echarts from NPM
import * as echarts from './echarts' // Or import custom built Echarts locally
Copy the code
  1. This component can then be used directly in THE WXML of the corresponding page
<view class="container">
  <ec-canvas id="mychart-dom-bar" canvas-id="mychart-bar" echarts="{{ echarts }}" ec="{{ ec }}"></ec-canvas>
Copy the code
  1. ec-canvasPlease refer to the specific usage and how to initialize the diagramEcharts official applets example
The sample code
import * as echarts from 'echarts'

let chart = null;

function initChart(canvas, width, height, dpr) {
  chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
    width: width,
    height: height,
    devicePixelRatio: dpr // new

  var option = {
    tooltip: {
      trigger: 'axis'.axisPointer: {            // Axis indicator. Axis trigger works
        type: 'shadow'        / / the default value is linear, optional: 'the line' | 'shadow'
      confine: true
    legend: {
      data: ['heat'.'positive'.'negative']},grid: {
      left: 20.right: 20.bottom: 15.top: 40.containLabel: true
    xAxis: [{type: 'value'.axisLine: {
          lineStyle: {
            color: '# 999'}},axisLabel: {
          color: '# 666'}}].yAxis: [{type: 'category'.axisTick: { show: false },
        data: ['Motor Home'.'Today's Headlines'.Baidu Tieba.'A bit of information'.'WeChat'.'weibo'.'zhihu'].axisLine: {
          lineStyle: {
            color: '# 999'}},axisLabel: {
          color: '# 666'}}].series: [{name: 'heat'.type: 'bar'.label: {
          normal: {
            show: true.position: 'inside'}},data: [300.270.340.344.300.320.310].itemStyle: {
          // emphasis: {
          // color: '#37a2da'
          // }}}, {name: 'positive'.type: 'bar'.stack: 'total'.label: {
          normal: {
            show: true}},data: [].itemStyle: {
          // emphasis: {
          // color: '#32c5e9'
          // }}}, {name: 'negative'.type: 'bar'.stack: 'total'.label: {
          normal: {
            show: true.position: 'left'}},data: [-20, -32, -21, -34, -90, -130, -110].itemStyle: {
          // emphasis: {
          // color: '#67e0e3'
          // }}}}; chart.setOption(option);return chart;

  data: {
    ec: {
      onInit: initChart
  onReady() {
    setTimeout(function () {
      // How to get the chart instance
    }, 2000); }})Copy the code

Taro reference

See examples/taro

The preparatory work

  1. Install dependencies
npm install echarts-for-weixin
Copy the code
  1. Create a new file in the project root directoryproject.package.jsonOr custom named, this file is small programpackage.jsonAnd in the next step add small program custom build NPM way. The goal is to be able to share projectsnode_modules


  "dependencies": {
    "echarts": "^ 5.1.2." "."echarts-for-weixin": "^ 1.0.2"}}Copy the code
  1. inproject.configsettingAdd small program custom build NPM way, refer toCustomizing the way NPM is built for node_modules and miniprogram_npm locations
  "setting": {
    "packNpmManually": true."packNpmRelationList": [{"packageJsonPath": ".. /project.package.json"."miniprogramNpmDistDir": ". /"}}}]Copy the code
  1. performTaroOr package commands for project development
npm run dev:weapp
Copy the code
  1. Build NPM in applets developer tools. Note: The project directory that the applets development tool opens isdistfolder

Click on the developer Tools menu bar: Tools –> Build NPM

The introduction of Echarts

  1. In the globalapp.config.jsAdd or use to a single needechartsAdd reference components to the page configuration
  "usingComponents": {
    "ec-canvas": "echarts-for-weixin"}}Copy the code
  1. Introduced in the pageechartsfromnpmThe introduction ofecharts, can also introduce a local custom buildechartsTo reduce the volume
import * as echarts from 'echarts' // Import echarts from NPM
import * as echarts from './echarts' // Or import custom built Echarts locally
Copy the code
  1. Will introduce theechartsTo the component
  echarts={echarts} // Pass the imported Echarts to the component
Copy the code
  1. ec-canvasPlease refer to the specific usage and how to initialize the diagramEcharts official applets example
The sample code
function initChart(canvas, width, height) {
  const chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
    width: width,
    height: height
  const model = {
    yCates: ['Saturday'.'Friday'.'Thursday'.'Wednesday'.'Tuesday'.'Monday'.'Sunday'].xCates: ['1'.'2'.'3'.'4'.'5'].data: [
      // [yCateIndex, xCateIndex, value]
      [0.0.5], [0.1.7], [0.2.3], [0.3.5], [0.4.2],
      [1.0.1], [1.1.2], [1.2.4], [1.3.8], [1.4.2],
      [2.0.2], [2.1.3], [2.2.8], [2.3.6], [2.4.7],
      [3.0.3], [3.1.7], [3.2.5], [3.3.1], [3.4.6],
      [4.0.3], [4.1.2], [4.2.7], [4.3.8], [4.4.9],
      [5.0.2], [5.1.2], [5.2.3], [5.3.4], [5.4.7],
      [6.0.6], [6.1.5], [6.2.3], [6.3.1], [6.4.2]]}const data = model.data.map(function (item) {
    return [item[1], item[0], item[2] | |The '-']})const option = {
    tooltip: {
      position: 'top'
    animation: false.grid: {
      bottom: 60.top: 10.left: 80
    xAxis: {
      type: 'category'.data: model.xCates
    yAxis: {
      type: 'category'.data: model.yCates
    visualMap: {
      min: 1.max: 10.show: false.calculable: true.orient: 'horizontal'.left: 'center'.bottom: 10.inRange: {
        color: ['#37A2DA'.'#32C5E9'.'#67E0E3'.'#91F2DE'.'#FFDB5C'.'#FF9F7F'],}},series: [{
      name: 'Punch Card'.type: 'heatmap'.data: data,
      label: {
        normal: {
          show: true}},itemStyle: {
        emphasis: {
          shadowBlur: 10.shadowColor: 'rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.5)'

  return chart

export default class Echarts extends React.Component {

  state = {
    ec: {
      onInit: initChart

  render () {
    return (
      <View className='echarts'>
      </View>)}}Copy the code

Taro is quoted as needed

See examples/ tarle-manual-Load

Note: The project directory that the applets developer tools open is the packaged dist directory

The preparatory work

  1. Install dependencies
npm install echarts-for-weixin
Copy the code
  1. Create a new file in the project root directoryproject.package.jsonOr custom named, this file is small programpackage.jsonAnd in the next step add small program custom build NPM way. And configureconfig/index.jsIn thecopyOptions,project.package.jsonCopied to thedistDirectory and rename it topackage.json. And copynode_modules/echarts-for-weixindist/node_modules/echarts-for-weixinAvoid reinstalling dependencies for projects opened in applets developer tools


  "dependencies": {
    "echarts-for-weixin": "^ 1.0.2"}}Copy the code


  copy: {
    patterns: [{from: 'project.package.json'.to: 'dist/package.json' }, // Specify the file to copy
      { from: 'node_modules/echarts-for-weixin/'.to: 'dist/node_modules/echarts-for-weixin/'}].options: {}}}Copy the code
  1. inproject.configsettingAdd small program custom build NPM way, refer toCustomizing the way NPM is built for node_modules and miniprogram_npm locations
  "setting": {
    "packNpmManually": true."packNpmRelationList": [{"packageJsonPath": "./package.json"."miniprogramNpmDistDir": ". /"}}}]Copy the code
  1. performTaroOr package commands for project development
npm run dev:weapp
Copy the code
  1. Build NPM in applets developer tools. Note: The project directory that the applets development tool opens isdistfolder

Click on the developer Tools menu bar: Tools –> Build NPM

The introduction of Echarts

  1. In the globalapp.config.jsAdd or use to a single needechartsAdd reference components to the page configuration
  "usingComponents": {
    "ec-canvas": "echarts-for-weixin"}}Copy the code
  1. Introduced in the pageecharts/coreAnd required components, Taro packaging will only package imported components, so as to achieve the purpose of importing on demand
// Import the echarts core module, which provides the necessary interfaces for using echarts.
import * as echarts from 'echarts/core';
// Import charts, all with Chart suffix
import {
  // LineChart,
  // PieChart,
  // ScatterChart,
  // RadarChart,
  // MapChart,
  // TreeChart,
  // TreemapChart,
  // GraphChart,
  // GaugeChart,
  // FunnelChart,
  // ParallelChart,
  // SankeyChart,
  // BoxplotChart,
  // CandlestickChart,
  // EffectScatterChart,
  // LinesChart,
  // HeatmapChart,
  // PictorialBarChart,
  // ThemeRiverChart,
  // SunburstChart,
  // CustomChart,
} from 'echarts/charts';
// import components, all suffixed with Component
import {
  // GridSimpleComponent,
  // PolarComponent,
  // RadarComponent,
  // GeoComponent,
  // SingleAxisComponent,
  // ParallelComponent,
  // CalendarComponent,
  // GraphicComponent,
  // ToolboxComponent,
  // AxisPointerComponent,
  // BrushComponent,
  // TimelineComponent,
  // MarkPointComponent,
  // MarkLineComponent,
  // MarkAreaComponent,
  // LegendComponent,
  // LegendScrollComponent,
  // LegendPlainComponent,
  // DataZoomComponent,
  // DataZoomInsideComponent,
  // DataZoomSliderComponent,
  // VisualMapComponent,
  // VisualMapContinuousComponent,
  // VisualMapPiecewiseComponent,
  // AriaComponent,
  // TransformComponent,
} from 'echarts/components';
// Import renderer, note that introducing the CanvasRenderer or SVGRenderer is a required step
import {
  // SVGRenderer,
} from 'echarts/renderers';
// Register the required components
Copy the code
  1. Will introduce theechartsTo the component
  echarts={echarts} // Pass the imported Echarts to the component
Copy the code
  1. ec-canvasPlease refer to the specific usage and how to initialize the diagramEcharts official applets example
The sample code
function initChart(canvas, width, height) {
  const chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
    width: width,
    height: height
  const model = {
    yCates: ['Saturday'.'Friday'.'Thursday'.'Wednesday'.'Tuesday'.'Monday'.'Sunday'].xCates: ['1'.'2'.'3'.'4'.'5'].data: [
      // [yCateIndex, xCateIndex, value]
      [0.0.5], [0.1.7], [0.2.3], [0.3.5], [0.4.2],
      [1.0.1], [1.1.2], [1.2.4], [1.3.8], [1.4.2],
      [2.0.2], [2.1.3], [2.2.8], [2.3.6], [2.4.7],
      [3.0.3], [3.1.7], [3.2.5], [3.3.1], [3.4.6],
      [4.0.3], [4.1.2], [4.2.7], [4.3.8], [4.4.9],
      [5.0.2], [5.1.2], [5.2.3], [5.3.4], [5.4.7],
      [6.0.6], [6.1.5], [6.2.3], [6.3.1], [6.4.2]]}const data = model.data.map(function (item) {
    return [item[1], item[0], item[2] | |The '-']})const option = {
    tooltip: {
      position: 'top'
    animation: false.grid: {
      bottom: 60.top: 10.left: 80
    xAxis: {
      type: 'category'.data: model.xCates
    yAxis: {
      type: 'category'.data: model.yCates
    visualMap: {
      min: 1.max: 10.show: false.calculable: true.orient: 'horizontal'.left: 'center'.bottom: 10.inRange: {
        color: ['#37A2DA'.'#32C5E9'.'#67E0E3'.'#91F2DE'.'#FFDB5C'.'#FF9F7F'],}},series: [{
      name: 'Punch Card'.type: 'heatmap'.data: data,
      label: {
        normal: {
          show: true}},itemStyle: {
        emphasis: {
          shadowBlur: 10.shadowColor: 'rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.5)'

  return chart

export default class Echarts extends React.Component {

  state = {
    ec: {
      onInit: initChart

  render () {
    return (
      <View className='echarts'>
      </View>)}}Copy the code
  1. You can look at dependency analysis in the applets developer tools to determine the file size and whether it is properly imported on demand

Refer to the link

  • In wechat, use Apache ECharts (Incubating)
  • NPM support
  • Develop third-party custom components
  • Get started with the WeUI component library
  • Applets WeUI component library