Do you have the habit of reading? Do you have your own reading framework?


National Day holiday, no running around, idle reading at home. The number of books I marked as “want to read” on Douban has exceeded 300, while the number of books I marked as “read” is only over 100. I feel like I can never finish reading.

In the past, my “want to read” list was very short, usually no more than 20 books, because I used to see that the list was too long, and I would actively stop adding more books until I finished them, which helped relieve the stress and anxiety of reading too much.

However, I gradually realized that this method actually has a big disadvantage, because such a processing algorithm is first-in, first-out, and a better choice should be based on the priority queue. So, later on, whenever I came across a good book, I put more effort into the list, just prioritizing it and not worrying about the queue length.

So what’s the priority algorithm for taking from a queue? This is related to each person’s specific reading preferences and habits. My reading habits can be summed up simply in two words: focus and stratification.

I’ve divided the reading into three levels:

  • Inside: utilitarian reading
  • Middle level: Reading for interest
  • Outer layer: Exploratory reading

The innermost utilitarian reading is actually closely related to our work and life. The purpose of such reading is to acquire knowledge or skills and solve some problems and puzzles in work or life. For example, Java programmers reading Java Core Programming fall into this category.

For example, I like to read science fiction (I am rereading Liu Cixin’s works in various stages this year), fantasy (a Song of Ice and Fire) and fantasy novels.

The outermost exploratory reading, which is far from personal work and life, is not very interesting; In fact, this part of the content is to actively choose to go out of the boundary to explore and feel, maybe find interesting things, maybe have interest.

Perhaps many people have similar three levels of reading, but the difference is the proportion, and the choice of active and passive. At present, I have the largest proportion of inner utilitarian reading, accounting for 70%; The middle level is interested in reading about 20%; Outer exploration reading accounts for 10%. I think this proportion will not be fixed, but a certain stage of the most appropriate choice.

Sometimes AT the end of a hiring interview I like to ask, “What did you read recently?” It’s not really about what books the other person has read, it’s about whether they have a habit of reading, whether they actively choose to learn and how they process information effectively. After all, reading is all about processing, absorbing, and digesting information, and reading choices offer a clue.

Unfortunately, there are so many apps and shows that can kill time these days that it can be a bit of a willpower challenge to actually read something. The reading layer I mentioned above is actually for deep reading, which requires you to resist the temptation to spend time reading.

Deep reading means that you have finished the content selection and are ready to go straight into the immersive reading; Before you can choose, there is a phase of content gathering and precipitation. I usually complete the collection and precipitation with the time of fragments. In order to make the collection and precipitation play a better role, it is necessary to establish more diversified information sources and improve the quality of information sources.

Through diversified information source channels, the content is collected and deposited by traversing the fragment time span. Then set aside the proper time, focus on the choice of layered reading content, into the immersion reading; A systematic reading habit is established, and the rest is up to time.


My reading has a framework, not a plan; You never know what to read or when to read the next book after finishing the current one, and only when you have to choose will you decide according to your current state of mind.

But the framework guided my choices.

Write some words, draw some pictures, record the moment of growth. Wechat public account “instant”, since we met, it is better to go together.